European Union

Decoding the Bosnian Crisis

The crises in Bosnia have put the nation on red alert and could lead to a major conflict or civil war, if the issues are not resolved soon. Any political instability can fan ideas of disintegration and separation and take Bosnia back to the civil war era and ethnic conflicts, devastation and loss of life.

Theorizing EU-TRACECA Relationship in Eurasian Context

This article contends that the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) is European Union’s (EU) most visionary trans-regional connectivity project. It theorizes the EU-TRACECA relationship to show that the TRACECA represents different regional integration concepts, and that the EU scripted it invariably for the mutual benefits of its partner states. Conceptually optimistic, the article, nonetheless, discovers certain inextricable complications in the TRACECA’s real working for varying economic profiles of and mutual conflicts among its member countries.