Q. No. 960 Shortfall of attack helicopters

Parliament Questions and Answers

Rajya Sabha
ANSWERED ON 14.08.2013

Question: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to satate :-

(a) the shortfall in the number and percentage of attack helicopters in the Indian Air Force with respect to the actual requirement;

(b) the percentage of helicopters in the existing fleet which have already completed their prescribed life as of now; and

(c) the steps taken by Government to acquire new helicopters and the prescribed time-frame for the same to meet the shortfall?

Answer: Minister of Defence (Shri A.K. Antony)

(a) to (c): Procurement of aircraft, including helicopters, is an ongoing process. Steps are taken to meet the operational requirements of the defence forces keeping in view the evolving security challenges. No attack helicopter in the existing fleet of Indian Air Force has presently completed its prescribed life.


Defence Economics & Industry