The Urumqi Crisis: Effect of China’s Ethno-national Politics

Jagannath P. Panda
Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at MP-IDSA till March 2022 Dr. Jagannath Panda was a Research Fellow and Coordinator of the East Asia Centre at MP-IDSA, New Delhi. He… Continue reading The Urumqi Crisis: Effect of China’s Ethno-national Politics read more

Experts are still searching for a settled answer to the causes and aftermath of the violent unrest between the Han and Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang province that erupted on July 5, 2009. The long-simmering resentment of the native Uyghurs against the Han-dominated groups coupled with the deepening economic crisis is believed to have been the major reason for the ethnic riots. The questions being asked now are: Was it a crisis of ethnicity or economy? Why did the crisis manifest itself this way? And was the crisis a prelude to China’s terrorism problem?

Keywords: China, Tibet, Urumqi, Xinjiang