Signals and Orchestration: India’s Use of Compellence in the 2001–02 Crisis

Patrick Bratton
Archive data: Person was International Visiting fellow at IDSA from September 11 – November 17, 2009 Dr. Patrick Bratton is an Assistant Professor of political science and the Program Chair… Continue reading Signals and Orchestration: India’s Use of Compellence in the 2001–02 Crisis read more

How effective was the Indian government in sending clear, coercive signals and orchestrating them into coherent messages during ‘Operation Parakram’ in 2001-02? This study finds that compellence was hampered by three factors: (1) the government kept changing its demands; (2) the lack of adequate civil-military coordination; and (3) the government engaged in a dual-track policy of direct coercion of Pakistan, while simultaneously engaging the United States to put pressure on Pakistan. Ultimately, these two policy strands worked at cross-purposes to each other.