China’s Emergence as a Cyber Power

Munish Sharma
Archive data: Person was Consultant at MP-IDSA from June 2015 to November 2020 Joined MP-IDSA June 2015 Area of Interest Cyber Security, Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, Space Security, Defence Technologies.… Continue reading China’s Emergence as a Cyber Power read more

Cyberspace is increasingly becoming an area of contestation among nation states. Similar to the physical domains of land, sea, air and space, superiority in the cyber domain enables a nation state to exert its cyber power. In recent years, China has invested colossal amounts in building the requisite infrastructure and capabilities of its armed forces as well as governance practices to advance towards ‘informationalisation’. This article seeks to discern the motives, threats, objectives, strategy and intent that drive China to amass cyber power.

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Keywords: Cyber Security