China in and Beyond the Headlines

Gunjan Singh
Archive data: Person was Research Assistant at IDSA from June 2008 to December 2016 Joined IDSA January 2008 Research Interest Non-Military Threats and Strategic Technologies Education Doctoral Candidate at the… Continue reading China in and Beyond the Headlines read more
Book Review

The book China in and Beyond the Headlines is a collection of 16 contributions written by scholars and experts on various aspects of Chinese politics, society and economy. Considering that China has undergone a major transformation over the past decades since it opened its economy, this book provides a much-needed insight into the contours and extent of these changes and their impact. The most promising aspect of the book is that it provides information and analysis on almost all the aspects of changes within China. The editors rightly highlight that one ‘objective of this book series has been to educate readers about the country’s complexity’ (p. 11).