Journal of Defence Studies

Centre of Gravity and the Targeting Conundrum

The Indian Air Force (IAF) operates in a congested and contested geopolitical arena. Herein a common understanding of the Centre of Gravity (CoG) can ensure military focus. Understanding of CoG may be approached with differing perspectives. This article would attempt to harmonise these perspectives. Post target identification, planners would be confounded with the dilemma of targeting while applying concentrated firepower. Should this concentration be limited to time and space or in purpose too? Possony studied the air campaigns of World War II and presented one such model for prosecution. Read More

Air Superiority: Myth, Magic or Panacea—Air Power’s Quest for Control of the Air

General Giulio Douhet wrote in 1921 that, ‘he who controls the air controls everything’. Almost a century later, the official doctrine of most major air power nations continue to propagate a similar theme. His contention that control of the air is vital for victory in war was widely accepted and remains so till today. Prominent air power theorists, writing across ages and across continents, agreed to the primacy given to winning and maintaining control of the air. Control of the air is assumed to be primus inter pares of all the air power roles. Read More

African Defence: A Statistical Analysis

Africa’s continental aspirations are well documented in ‘Agenda 2063’. With a laid-out implementation plan for well-articulated goals to meet the aspirations, Africa is moving in the right direction, albeit a little slowly. The main reasons are intertwined and interrelated—conflicts and slow economic growth. To top this, African governments are splurging on building military capabilities without clearly defined strategic goals.

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Two Decades of US-Taliban War in Afghanistan

In August 2021, the world was stunned by dramatic visuals of Afghan civilians running along and attempting to cling to a US Air Force (USAF) C-17 aircraft taking off from the Kabul airport in a desperate bid to flee from Afghanistan that had fallen to the Taliban. Just a month before this, in the first week of July 2021, the last of the American troops left Bagram Airfield, which had been the nerve centre of American-led military operations in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years.

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A Study on Measuring the Index of Technologies (Smart and Conventional)

Humans have been developing technologies that make living easier and open unimaginable horizons. Scholars have been combining technologies to innovate and evolve newer concepts. The evolution of smart devices has led to the concept of creating smart cities. Several nations intend to develop a smart technology ecosystem for ease of governance, economic growth, and comfort of their citizens. The not-so-nascent concept of a smart city requires a scale to measure the levels of technology in the system.

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Aptitude Tests to Assess the Suitability of Gentlemen Cadets for Allotment of Technical Arms/Services upon Commissioning at the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun

Science of warfare maintains that man is more important than his weapon. Today, technology is changing very rapidly and weaponry is continuously evolving. It is the age of high technology and rapid improvement of weaponry. The defence forces of all the countries are forging ahead every day with improved systems and technology. The fit between the man and his weapon is perhaps more important today than in any other time in the history of warfare. We cannot be adhering to the old colonial procedure for allocation of human capital to handle the fast and ever-changing technology of weapons.

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Cyber-Biosecurity: An Emerging National Security Frontier

Cyber-Biosecurity, an emerging threat landscape at the intersection of cybersecurity, cyber-physical security and biosecurity has a potential to disrupt economic, social and political well-being of the nation and has tremendous national security implications. All forms of cyber-attacks impact the manufacturing industries, governments, health infrastructure, patients and bio-economy at large.

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