Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2, April-June 2018

Vol. 12, No. 2, April-June 2018 is a special issue on the theme ‘Internal Security’ and includes insightful articles on key issues including Kashmir, Nagaland, Maoism, radicalisation and the CRPF. Featured are informed perspectives from practitioners and academicians as well as a detailed editorial that sets the issues and challenges in context.


Editorial: India’s Internal Security Challenges
— Pushpita Das


Inherent Structural Constraints Challenging India’s Internal Security
— G.K. Pillai

The Current Kashmir Imbroglio: Causes and the Way Ahead
— D.S. Hooda


Decentralisation, Autonomy and Effective Governance: Policy Options for Resolving the Kashmir Imbroglio
— Syed Jaleel Hussain

The Quest for Nagalim: Fault Lines and Challenges
— Pradeep Singh Chhonkar

Maoist Finances
— P.V. Ramana

Jihadist Radicalisation in India: Internal Challenges, External Threats
— Adil Rasheed

The CRPF and Internal Security: A Perspective Analysis
— P.M. Nair

Review Reviews

Keeping India Safe: The Dilemma of Internal Security, by Vappala Balachandran
— Ghanshyam Katoch

India’s National Security Annual Review 2016–17, edited by Satish Kumar
— S. Samuel C. Rajiv

Police and Counter-Insurgency: The Untold Story of Tripura’s COIN Campaign, by Kuldeep Kumar
— Mathew S. Simon

Guidelines for Contributors