Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, October-December 2016

The current issue features articles that look at stress in the Armed Forces from a public health perspective; issues pertaining to transfer of defence technology to India; and a discussion on the terrorist group ISIS along with possible future scenarios. It also includes five detailed book reviews.




Conceptualising Stress in the Armed Forces: A Public Health Perspective
Yasir Hamid Bhat

Transfer of Defence Technology to India: Prevalence, Significance and Insights
Kevin A. Desouza

The Rise and Future of ISIS
K. Nishant Nair

Book Reviews

United Nations Peacekeeping Challenge: The Importance of the Integrated Approach, by Anna Powles et al.
A.K. Bardalai

Open Skies: Transparency, Confidence Building, and the End of the Cold War, by Peter Jones
Shrabana Barua

Diplomatic Dimensions of Maritime Challenges for India in the 21st Century, by Yogendra Kumar
Surajit Mahalanobis

India’s Military Power: A General Reflects, by Lt Gen H.C. Dutta
Y.M. Bammi

Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris, by Christopher Snedden
Priyanka Singh

Guidelines for Contributors