S Sasikumar

Joined IDSA
March 2010
Area of Interest
International relations theory, History of Political Philosophy, Organization theory, Nuclear deterrence and strategy in Asia and India’s foreign and security policy.
Current Project
Understanding India’s Nuclear Weapons Posture: Strategic Culture, Organization Theory and Civil-Military Relations.
Education and Background
M. A in Public Administration from Presidency College, University of Madras.
Journal Articles
Shanmugasundaram Sasikumar, “India’s Nuclear Command and Control: Perspectives from Organisation Theory”, Strategic Analysis, Volume 34, Issue 3 (2010), pp.381-396.
Shanmugasundaram Sasikumar, “Terror without Tags: Need for a Comprehensive National Security Policy”, CBW Magazine: Journal on Chemical and Biological Weapons, Volume 3, Number 3 (2010), pp.10-12.
Book Reviews
Priyanjali Malik, India’s Nuclear Debate: Exceptionalism and the Bomb (Routledge, 2010) in Seminar, (July 2010)
Web Comments
Nuclear Disarmament versus Nuclear Revolution: Options for India, IDSA Comment: 2010.
Publications at IDSA

Research Assistant
Phone:-+91 11 2671 7983


India’s Nuclear Command and Control: Perspectives from Organisation Theory

Command and control of nuclear weapons was the edifice upon which great power nuclear strategy was based. Empirical Cold War research later proved that this edifice was, in fact, only a power keg. Therefore, US non-proliferation-minded analysts propounded logical reasons for their claim that new nuclear nations will be unable to demonstrate prudence in nuclear weapons management. The unique Indian case, pronounced from the organisation theory perspective, proves to the contrary.