Amit Cowshish


Archive data: Person was Consultant at IDSA
Amit Cowshish retired from the Indian Defence Accounts Service in 2012 after serving for thirty five years in various capacities in the Defence Accounts Department. He served on deputation with the Ministry of Defence first as Under Secretary and later as Additional Financial Advisor & Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor (Acquisition) & Additional Secretary. He also served as Commissioner for Departmental Inquiries on deputation with the Central Vigilance Commission.
He has wide experience in the field of financial management in defence. While serving on deputation with the Ministry of Defence, he handled Defence Planning, budget and procurements. He was associated with drafting of the Defence Procurement Manual 2009 and its 2010 supplement. He was also associated with review of financial powers delegated to the services. He was member secretary of the Defence Expenditure Review Committee (2009).
He attended the Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration at the Indian Institute of Public Administration and the National Security and Strategic Course at the National Defence College, New Delhi.
He did is M.A. and M. Phil in Political Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University and LL B from Delhi University. He holds a Post-graduate diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. He also holds pre-degree diplomas in Russian and Persian Languages from Jawaharlal Nehru University and a diploma in Urdu Language from National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language.
Publications at IDSA

Email: amitcowshish[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone: +91 11 2671 7983


Public Procurement Framework in India

The GFR 2017 permit individual ministries to issue detailed instructions to address the needs and complexities of procurement carried out by them. The question is whether those principles and rules come in the way of the Ministry of Defence evolving a more efficient procurement procedure that meets the armed forces’ aspirations.

Who is Responsible for Defence of India?

Defence of India is a multi-dimensional responsibility involving coordination with not only organisations within MoD, but also several external departments and agencies. Irrespective of whether the subject of defence of India is assigned to DoD or DMA, it is the defence minister who is responsible for the subjects allocated to the ministry.

Indigenisation – In Need of Policy Framework

There is a need to formulate a composite policy that focuses on indigenisation in high priority technology areas, shedding the notion that it must necessarily result in savings. A more modest and focussed mission-mode approach to indigenisation can produce better results.

Jinnah: His Successes, Failures and Role in History

More than seven decades after Pakistan’s creation, Mohammad Ali Jinnah continues to captivate both his critics and admirers. While the former excoriate him for exploiting religion to achieve his goal, the latter hail him as the Qaid-e-Azam (Great Leader) who single-handedly secured a homeland for the Muslims of British India.