Guidelines for Contributors

Strategic Analysis welcomes scholars to submit well-researched papers. Contributions may deal with matters of contemporary debate or historical analysis, but should have some policy relevance. The journal carries two categories of contributions: full-length analytical articles of about 4,000-5,000 words; and shorter pieces of about 1,500-2,000 words. All papers are refereed by peers who are active in the relevant fields of research, before publication.

Submission of Typescripts

Contributors are requested to follow the Guidelines given below:-

  • The paper should be composed using MS Word 6.0 and above. A hard copy (A-4 size) should be sent along with the floppy diskette.
  • An Abstract of about 100 words should be included to describe the main argument and the conclusions of the paper. The Abstract cannot contain endnote references.
  • The first sheet should carry details of the author’s biodata (a brief resume of about 50 words), institutional affiliation, a black and white passport-size photograph and the mailing address.
  • A signed declaration of originality and conformance to research ethics should accompany the paper; also, that the paper has not been sent to any other journal for publication.
  • All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred to as Figures and consecutively numbered (Fig.1, Fig.2, and so on). Tables should carry only essential data and should complement the text rather than repeat what has already been said. They should carry a short title, be numbered (Table 1) and carry the source at the bottom. Each table must be referenced in the text.
  • If actual statements or phrases are taken from another paper, the name of the author should be mentioned in the text and the chosen material should be placed within quotation marks with an appropriate reference. Alternatively, if another author’s views are to be summarised, use the formulation: ‘The views of xyz are summarised’; give a crisp summary. It is a good practice to reference sources of information extensively and effectively.
  • Author’s acknowledgement(s) may be included at the end of the paper and before References/Endnotes begin.
  • The paper should have sub-headings to make it more reader-friendly.
  • Hyphens should never appear in typescript at the end of lines.

Base Style Guide

  • Use short, crisp sentences; they add to readabilty.
  • Use British spelling (colour, organisation, etc.)
  • Write dates by beginning with the month, followed by the date and the year (e.g.: September 11, 2001).
  • In the text, write numbers in words till the number nine and then in numerals (e.g.: two, four, nine; then 10, 11, 12 and so on).
  • Write ‘per cent’ and not % or percent.
  • Acronyms should carry the full form at the first mention with the acronym in bracket; and thereafter, the abbreviated version.
  • Names of books, journals, newspapers and foreign terms in the body of the text should appear in italics, eg: Asian Security in the 21st Century; Strategic Analysis; The Hindu; de facto.
  • While referring to currency, use Rs 2,000 crores, not 2000 crores of rupees. Similarly, $8.5 million, not 8.5 million dollars.
  • Use lower case while referring to establishments like the government, the army, and so on. Use upper case if these are accompanied by the name of the country (e.g: the Indian Government or the Chinese Army). The president or prime minister stays lower, unless they are accompanied by the name (eg: Prime Minister Tony Blair or External Affairs Minister Natwar Singh).


  • References/Endnotes should be sequentially numbered.
  • The authors are responsible for accuracy of the references.

While referring to a book, follow the example below:
Padmaja Murthy, Managing Suspicions: Understanding India’s Relations with Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Knowledge World, New Delhi, 2000, pp. 59-67.

While referring to a chapter in a book:
Meena Singh Roy, “Building a Peaceful Asia,” in Jasjit Singh (ed.), Reshaping Asian Security, Knowledge World, New Delhi, 2001, pp. 348-61

While referring to a paper in a journal:
P.R. Rajeshwari, “Bill Richardson’s Visit to South Asia: A New Phase in US-South Asia Relations,” Mainstream, 36 (19), May 2, 1998, pp. 23-26.

While referring to a paper presented at a conference:
R.V. Phadke, “Security of Energy,” Paper presented at the International Conference on Oil and Gas in India’s Security, New Delhi, 2001, pp. 82-86. Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, 2001.

While referring to an article in a newspaper:-
Kulbir Krishan, “The Pearl Abduction: Who and Why?” Pioneer, New Delhi, February 12, 2002, p. 7.

While referring to a website:-
“Excerpts to remarks of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Nuclear Policies at the CTBT,” at (Accessed February 2, 2005)

  • If two successive citations/references refer to the same source, use Ibid.
  • If the same reference is to be cited after a few other references/citations, write the name of the author followed by the citation number e.g.: Srikanth Kondapalli, no. 16.

Any submission not conforming to the above requirements is incomplete and will not be considered for review.

Copyright resides with the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses.