Comment & Briefs

The Trump Challenge to the JCPOA

Trump’s new policy statement on Iran has enveloped the UNSC-approved Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in a shroud of uncertainty that could lead to further instability in conflict-ridden West Asia.

October 24, 2017

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    India’s Strategic Connect with the World

    The various connectivity projects put forward by India show its involvement as an investor in capacity-building efforts in the recipient countries across sectors of their particular needs and choices, not as an overarching and imposing economic power.

    October 23, 2017

  • Sreemati Ganguli
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    EMP Weapons and the New Equation of War

    Besides military targets, a number of strategic civilian targets, like urban data and communication centres, stock exchanges, factories and other centres of gravity could also be attacked by e-bombs.

    October 13, 2017

  • Atul Pant
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    Lull at Doklam: Time for a Holistic Strategic Review

    While the crisis has been defused for the time being, the probability of a future flare up cannot be ruled out. A holistic strategic review ought to be carried out over a wide spectrum and in a multi-dimensional manner with specific timelines.

    October 06, 2017

  • G.G. Dwivedi
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    Need for Sector-Specific Ease-of-Doing Business Indices

    Sector-specific micro parameters that have a bearing on the ease of doing business need to be identified and quantified.

    October 05, 2017

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System: Issues and Challenges

    Implementation of high-tech solutions without adequately trained personnel is unlikely to help the Border Security Force achieve the goal of foolproof border surveillance.

    October 04, 2017

  • Pushpita Das
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    Fallout of the Rohingya Issue on Bangladesh`s Domestic Politics

    With the Bangladesh general elections not far away in 2018, and the unlikely scenario of the Rohingya problem being fully resolved in the next few months, the issue is likely to deeply influence the posture of the various political parties.

    October 03, 2017

  • Gautam Sen
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    High Fuel Prices: Does the End Justify the Means?

    The contentious discourse in the media ignores the implications of state taxes on rising fuel prices.

    September 27, 2017

  • Vinay Kaushal
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    Acquisition of single-engine fighter aircraft – A few suggestions to expedite the procurement process

    MoD can leapfrog many of the 11 stages in the procurement programme by taking the measures outlined to fulfil the urgent requirements of the Air Force.

    September 26, 2017

  • Amit Cowshish
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    The Turkish Military Base in Doha: A Step towards Gaining “Strategic Depth” in the Middle East?

    The nostalgia among a section of the AKP to recreate the Ottoman past through economic and geopolitical integration has been the driving force behind Turkey’s recent assertive postures in regional matters including the Qatar crisis.

    September 26, 2017

  • Md. Muddassir Quamar
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