Comment & Briefs

The Contours of a Negotiated Nuclear-Missile Deal with North Korea

Removing the Kim regime’s fears about regime change and reducing the insecurity caused by North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests to the US and its allies are the essentials that must be addressed in a UN-led multinational dialogue to forge a negotiated settlement.

December 12, 2017

  • G. Balachandran
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    To make Chabahar a ‘Game Changer’ Central Asian states need to be roped in

    India needs to rope in one or more of the Central Asian countries, preferably Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, in the Chabahar project, to fully exploit its potential.

    December 12, 2017

  • P. Stobdan
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    Why disclaiming Pakistan occupied Kashmir is not prudent

    Prudent as it may have appeared to reconcile to the territorial status quo in the past, policy makers must ask themselves whether such an approach has really worked in India’s favour.

    December 11, 2017

  • Priyanka Singh
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    India’s ICJ Win: Triumph of Multilateral Realpolitik?

    The re-election of Justice Dalveer Bhandari to the ICJ is an endorsement of the multilateral diplomacy based on realpolitik that India has been practicing in recent years.

    December 06, 2017

  • Rajeesh Kumar
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    Aerial Refuelling of Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft

    To truly exploit this newly tested operational capability, IAF will have to augment its fleet of in-flight refuellers and train an adequate number of aircrew, mission commanders, fighter controllers and systems operators.

    December 06, 2017

  • Kishore Kumar Khera
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    The Response of CARICOM Armed Forces to Hurricane Maria

    The deficiencies in planning and training of personnel for disaster relief operations as well as the capability gaps in equipment that the response to Huricane Maria highlighted need to be plugged.

    December 06, 2017

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    Blue Flag 2017 and Beyond

    The Indian Air Force’s participation in Israel’s Blue Flag 2017 multilateral exercise adds an important layer to the matrix of cooperation between India and Israel.

    December 01, 2017

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Prospects and Pitfalls

    For the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to succeed, China needs to engage in serious and sincere dialogue with BRI participants, ensure respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, uphold the internationally accepted norms of transparency and observe principles of financial responsibility, among other key issues.

    November 28, 2017

  • Ashok Sajjanhar
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    US reorients policy towards Myanmar after Tillerson Visit

    It may be appropriate if the US were to complement its substantial humanitarian and economic assistance by encouraging or even exerting pressure on Myanmar to implement the KAC recommendations.

    November 27, 2017

  • Gautam Sen
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    Astana Talks: A Prelude to Peace in Syria

    The tangible results of the Astana process lie in the reduction in violence and functioning of de-escalation zones.

    November 27, 2017

  • Lakshmi Priya
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