Comment & Briefs

Additional Allocation for Defence – A Challenging Task for MoF

The government seems to have little fiscal space for accommodating the demand of the armed forces for additional funds, given its quantum on the one hand and the state of its revenues on the other which are already quite stressed.

September 26, 2019

  • Amit Cowshish
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    The Next Step in Building India-China Military to Military (M2M) Relations

    The incremental and calibrated improvement in the India-China defence ties has withstood the test of time. The next step in building M2M relations could provide the required impetus to further accelerate the process of strengthening peace and stability along the LAC.

    September 16, 2019

  • Mandip Singh
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    India’s ‘No First Use’ Nuclear Doctrine

    The Defence Minister’s recent statement on ‘no first use’ basically underlines the fact that India’s current nuclear doctrine is working well.

    September 16, 2019

  • Rajiv Nayan
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    CDS: A Pragmatic Blueprint Required for Implementation

    The blueprint for the operationalisation of CDS would require intensive deliberation to make sure that no aspect of its implementation is left unaddressed.

    August 30, 2019

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Appointment of Chief of Defence Staff: A Historic Decision

    The decision to appoint CDS is an important milestone in India’s quest for complete integration of its defence forces; a significant step towards seamless coordination, better efficiency, and greater effectiveness of the national defence architecture in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

    August 29, 2019

  • Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy
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    ‘No First Use’ is Not Sacrosanct: Need a Theatre-Specific Posture for Flexible Options

    Nuclear doctrines and postures are dynamic processes that evolve with the security environment. Twenty years after India’s nuclear doctrine was first drafted, the time is ripe for a comprehensive review and suitable revisions.

    August 27, 2019

  • A. Vinod Kumar
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    Hong Kong on the Edge

    The current impasse in Hong Kong poses the most serious challenge to the Chinese leadership since the territory’s integration with the mainland. The “One Country, Two Systems” arrangement appears to be at crossroads, set to be consigned to the archives well before its expiry date.

    August 27, 2019

  • G.G. Dwivedi
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    In Favour of Corporatisation of Ordnance Factory Board

    As a corporatised entity, the OFB will be in a far better position to respond to the market dynamics and face the competition effectively.

    August 21, 2019

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    Will India Ally with America?

    India’s decision to ally with America would be contingent upon the degree of convergence between their positions on core issues and the extent of military assistance needed in a two-front war scenario.

    August 20, 2019

  • S. Kalyanaraman
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    Finally a CDS for the Indian Armed Forces

    While the scope of responsibility of the CDS is being worked out, it would be instructive to see what changes could be implemented immediately within the current organisational structures through greater jointness, before getting into the gamut of full integration which should be the logical end state.

    August 19, 2019

  • Alok Deb
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