Comment & Briefs

Xi’s Nepal Visit Reveals a Grander Chinese Himalayan Approach

President Xi’s Kathmandu visit sets a new parameter for the China-Nepal ties, moving away from the traditional interstate relations based on simple bilateral modes of engagement. Beijing seems to be orchestrating a Himalayan approach in its relations with Kathmandu – revealing a grander Chinese policy in making.

November 04, 2019

  • Jagannath P. Panda , Mrittika Guha Sarkar
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    Saudi Drone Attacks: A Preliminary Military Evaluation

    The September 14 strikes targeting Saudi oil refineries demonstrated an exceptional level of mission accomplishment that is possible with drones today. In the coming times, drones are likely to get an increasing share in augmenting the decisive role of air power.

    November 01, 2019

  • Atul Pant
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    Aircraft Carriers – The Keystone to India’s Maritime Security

    Considering the wide expanse to be covered on both sides of the Indian Peninsula, and the possibility of concurrent operations on either side, it is imperative that India maintains an operational carrier battle group on both sides, and at all times.

    October 30, 2019

  • Roby Thomas
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    Make-II: Need to Prevent Duplication of Efforts and Backdoor Entry of Import

    The government’s decision to allow the private sector to undertake the development of complex defence equipment is a step in the right direction. It will help forge a larger innovation system to meet the diverse requirements of national security. However, caution may be required to avoid duplication of efforts and prevent indirect import.

    October 23, 2019

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    Cooperative Security in South Asia: A Mirage?

    South Asia has a common history and celebrates its great cultural and linguistic overlap. However, the South Asian experience in building cooperative security architecture has been mixed. India on its part remains committed to strengthening cooperative security in the region.

    October 23, 2019

  • Amb. Sujan R. Chinoy
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    Is Imran Khan’s Luck Running Out?

    With a failing foreign policy and a crippling economy, and growing domestic opposition as well as criticism within the army, Imran Khan and his government is clearly caught between the devil and the deep sea.

    October 17, 2019

  • Zainab Akhter
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    Will Turkey be Able to Establish a ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria?

    Turkish President Erdo?an has made the issue of establishing a ‘safe zone’ inside Syria a domestic political issue, linked to national security. However, given the complexities of the Syrian crisis, the differences between the United States and Turkey over the expanse of the planned safe zone, and lack of Russian and Iranian support for the plan, the chances of establishing the safe zone appears bleak.

    October 11, 2019

  • Md. Muddassir Quamar
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    The Abqaiq Attack – Fallout on Oil Market

    While there is no immediate shortage of oil as the market is balanced for the time being, there are growing concerns about potential conflict in the region leading to supply disruption and resultant price spike, affecting the already nervous market sentiment.

    October 07, 2019

  • Shebonti Ray Dadwal
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    Is Xenophobia Gripping South Africa?

    The recent spate of violence in South Africa appears to be rooted in the country’s failure to fully transform itself in the post-apartheid era. If the government fails to effectively address the issue of rising unemployment and widening socio-economic inequality in the country, the violence is likely to recur from time to time.

    October 04, 2019

  • Anand Kumar
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    China’s Continuing Rare Earth Dominance

    Given China’s stated policy of using its rare earth dominance for strategic purposes, countries have been looking for ways to diversify their sources of supply. India too needs to acquire expertise in valorising rare earth minerals and shift to developing its downstream sector.

    September 27, 2019

  • Shebonti Ray Dadwal
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