Comment & Briefs

Putin’s Visit to India: Launch of a Revitalised Partnership

President Putin’s short but highly consequential visit to India and the launch of the 2+2 format have imbued new dynamism into the bilateral partnership. There might be a few areas of divergence between the two sides but spheres of convergence are much greater.

December 16, 2021

  • Ashok Sajjanhar
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    Pentagon Report and the Chinese Nuclear Forces Assessment

    The rapid increase in the nuclear forces of China, as revealed in the 2021 Pentagon Report, is a matter of serious concern. Several countries are undertaking exercises to ascertain the strategic and security implications of the feared expansion of the Chinese nuclear stockpile.

    December 14, 2021

  • Rajiv Nayan
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    Strengthening India–Vietnam Friendship

    Considering that the year 2021 marks the fifth anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between India and Vietnam, the upcoming visit of Mr Vuong Dinh Hue, the current Chairman of the Vietnam National Assembly, to India is likely to strengthen India–Vietnam relationship further.

    December 14, 2021

  • P.K. Chakravorty
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    Intersecting Geo-economics and Geopolitics: Nord Stream 2 and Europe

    Nord Stream 2, a Russian undersea gas pipeline project that intends to deliver natural gas from Siberia to Germany, currently sits at an intersection of several geopolitical and geo-economic cross-currents that determine the economic security as well as the geostrategic balance of Europe.

    December 10, 2021

  • Swasti Rao
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    China’s Inconsequential Bid to Sign Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Treaty

    Showing readiness to sign the SEANWFZ treaty seems to be a low-cost, high-return proposition for Beijing. It could be a calculated symbolic gesture having no bearing on the region’s precarious security situation.

    December 09, 2021

  • Niranjan Chandrashekhar Oak
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    India–Russia Cooperation in Indian Ocean Region, Arctic and Russian Far East

    India–Russia cooperation in the Indian Ocean and the Arctic, including the Russian Far East, could give strong thrust to their deepening engagement. However, there is a need for heavy lifting from both sides to achieve the desired potential.

    December 06, 2021

  • Anurag Bisen
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    Developments in Pakistan: The More Things Change…

    As the civilian political space shrinks and the capacity of the state gets hobbled by political dissension and internal resistance from forces armed with an alternate blueprint for action, Pakistan is likely to rely more on its anti-India stance to build national unity, seeking especially to suck in the militant religious groups into its orbit.

    December 03, 2021

  • Ashok K. Behuria
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    Defence Procurement in India: A Historical Perspective

    Defence procurement in India needs to adopt a mix of procurement avenues in which the indigenous solutions, foreign equipment and futuristic R&D continue together in a balanced manner. Considering that piecemeal solutions are not effective in the long term, there is a need to adopt a ‘Systems Approach’ to come up with a holistic solution which is enduring and progressive.

    December 02, 2021

  • Manish Rana
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    Beijing’s Lead in Renewable Energy: Why India Needs to Introspect?

    As India’s strides in the renewable sector are increasingly gaining pace, it gives an opportunity to assess what potential challenges and opportunities arise for India in the face of China’s growing dominance in the renewable energy industry.

    November 30, 2021

  • Mayuri Banerjee
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    ASEAN–India Summit 2021: Outcomes and Prospects

    The 18th ASEAN–India Summit reaffirmed commitment to shared values and norms that underlie ASEAN–India Dialogue relationship that started in 1992, i.e., the commitment to support ASEAN Community building and strengthening the ASEAN–India strategic partnership across the whole spectrum of political-security, economic, socio-cultural and development cooperation.

    November 29, 2021

  • Udai Bhanu Singh
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