Comment & Briefs

Decoding State of Affairs in Mali: Internal Politics, Security Crisis and External Involvement

Recurrent coups have increased the existing political instability in Mali. A major issue has been the unidimensional focus of the international community and regional players in providing only military support without adequately pushing for strengthening of Malian government apparatus.

January 14, 2022

  • Sindhu Dinesh
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    Sheikh Hasina’s Visit to Maldives Boosts Bilateral Relationship

    The recent visit of Sheikh Hasina to the Maldives provided an opportunity to strengthen the bilateral relationship and enhance connectivity, trade and commerce between the two countries. The visit also signified Bangladesh’s growing importance in the international politics.

    January 13, 2022

  • Anand Kumar
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    The Kazakh Unrest

    Triggered by the recent hike in auto gas prices, the current crisis in Kazakhstan appears to be an expression of the long-term frustrations of common Kazakhs with the political system.

    January 12, 2022

  • Deepak Kumar
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    Iran’s Regional Diplomatic Push: Is a Breakthrough with Riyadh Possible?

    Iran’s readiness for restoring diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia after six years since Riyadh cut ties in January 2016 is part of broader revival of diplomacy in the region after a decade of intense geopolitical competition and proxy wars involving Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies and Turkey & Iran.

    January 10, 2022

  • Deepika Saraswat
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    Defending Japan: National Security Agenda 2022

    Japan is manifesting refreshing confidence drawing from its resolve to push the envelope of positive pacifism while determining the strategic balance in the Indo-Pacific.

    January 06, 2022

  • Titli Basu
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    Looming Spectre of Conflict in Eastern Europe?

    Kremlin’s increasingly assertive stance on the troop build-up along the Russia–Ukraine border can be viewed as not just prompted by Ukraine’s potential NATO membership but also as Russia underscoring its place as a stakeholder in shaping European security architecture.

    January 03, 2022

  • Rajorshi Roy
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    Lebanon: A Country Stuck in Multiple Crises

    Prolonged political crisis, social unrest, pre-existing economic misery, and outbreak of a diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and the Gulf countries have left Lebanon in a debilitated state. Systemic reforms to tackle the economic, political, diplomatic and humanitarian challenges, are the need of the hour.

    January 01, 2022

  • Jatin Kumar
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    Southeast Asian Defence Markets: Opportunities for India

    A larger exchange of defence business between India and Southeast Asia may consolidate India’s position in the regional security architecture, and also forge greater political alignment with important ASEAN partners.

    December 29, 2021

  • Akash Sahu
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    The Biden Administration and the Future of ‘No First Use’

    Although the ideas of nuclear arms control, nuclear security and nuclear disarmament have featured in several US official statements and joint statements with other countries, will US adopt the ‘No First Use’ policy, remains to be seen.

    December 28, 2021

  • Rajiv Nayan
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    Various Facets of the ‘Traffic Light Coalition’ in Germany

    With few convergences among partners, the path of the “traffic light coalition” headed by Olaf Scholz is laden with challenges, but also offers spaces for positive action. With several new faces in key positions, its success would lie in maintaining continuity, and tweaking it to accommodate necessary changes when required.

    December 23, 2021

  • Swasti Rao
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