Comment & Briefs

India and the Palestinian Bid for Statehood at the UN

Irrespective of the outcome of the Palestinian bid to seek to become the 194th UN member-state, the effort is a definitive ‘fork-in-the-road’ as far as the future contours of the intractable issue are concerned.

November 19, 2011

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv
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    China’s Response to India’s Military Upgrade in Arunachal Pradesh: A Classic Case of “Security Dilemma”

    China views the Indian military upgrade as a response to China's rise in Asia forgetting that its own aggressive posture and military upgrade since 2006 has provoked the Indian response.

    November 18, 2011

  • Namrata Goswami
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    The Dialogue was featured in prime time on the Chinese State-run TV channel, with the comment of the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao that it had achieved “positive results”.

    November 17, 2011

  • Mukul Sanwal
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    The Olive Branch from Pakistan, in its Time of Crises

    India’s recent encounters with Pakistan show surprisingly warm diplomacy, with an open declaration from Islamabad of “mending the trust deficit.” This upswing in relations however comes with no guarantees.

    November 17, 2011

  • Shruti Pandalai
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    ‘Heart as a Weapon’: A Fresh Approach to the Concept of Hearts and Minds

    The recent 'heart as a weapon' initiative in Jammu and Kashmir has been received favourably both by critics of security forces and by the state government.

    November 16, 2011

  • Vivek Chadha
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    A non-territorial resolution to the Naga ethnic conflict

    The Union government must work in consultation with the governments of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur to identify problem areas on the path to a non-territorial Naga council.

    November 15, 2011

  • Namrata Goswami
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    Elevate Human Rights as the Core Organising Principle in Counter Insurgency

    The Indian Army’s Doctrine for Sub Conventional Operations does an admirable job in balancing human rights protection with operational demands. However, there is a degree of dissonance in the approach to human rights brought about by the perspective that protecting human rights is a means to an end.

    November 14, 2011

  • Ali Ahmed
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    Will Cooperative Security Work in South Asia?

    While the cooperative security approach has not succeeded in resolving conflicts in South Asia, it might work when it comes to resolving human security related issues.

    November 13, 2011

  • Arvind Gupta
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    Six-Party Talks: Geneva meeting shrugs-off “strategic patience” but parsimoniously

    Not engaging North Korea is no more seen as an option even as it continue to build its nuclear capabilities.

    November 13, 2011

  • Preeti Nalwa
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    Is America finally withdrawing from Iraq?

    Obama has skilfully reaped the political benefits of ordering a ‘technical’ withdrawal and ending the US mission in Iraq, whilst not only retaining the substance of the US posture and presence but immeasurably strengthening it.

    November 11, 2011

  • R. S. Kalha
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