Comment & Briefs

Begum Khaleda Zia`s Visit to India

Indian leaders may have to convincingly convey to Begum Zia and her BNP party delegation their commitment towards the economic development of Bangladesh, continuation of Indian aid, and intent to address the balance of trade issue irrespective of the party in power there.

October 29, 2012

  • Gautam Sen
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    Who Started the Fighting—- The Sequel

    When Nehru wrote to Zhou that China either accept the McMahon Line alignment along the highest watershed or go by the strict coordinates as per the original McMahon map, the Chinese, realising the folly committed by their Premier, demurred.

    October 28, 2012

  • R. S. Kalha
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    Arab Spring: Aspirations Met Or Dreams Unfulfilled?

    As we move into the second winter of the Arab Spring, this Issue Brief attempts to take stock of the progress of the Arab Spring and examine whether the aspirations of people have been met or have they been handed a raw deal.

    October 26, 2012

  • Agarwal, Rajeev
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    Defence Production Policy 2011: Need for Reinvigoration

    A thorough and honest review of the progress made so far is essential for arresting the drift in the Defence Production Policy and for course correction.

    October 25, 2012

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Asif Zardari: Consummate Cunning or Spineless and Unscrupulous

    It is precisely Zardari’s ability to do the unthinkable that has consistently confounded both his detractors and admirers and given him the aura of great cunning and cleverness.

    October 25, 2012

  • Sushant Sareen
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    On East Asian Regional Integration from the Perspective of Economic Security

    In view of putative conflict for leadership in the region between China and Japan, and barriers in various initiatives for deepening and stabilizing regional financial markets, the economic-security discourse in East Asia is still facing an uncertain prospect and should be continually monitored.

    October 23, 2012

  • Chin-Ming Lin
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    The Commissioning of Liaoning: An Example of China’s Declaratory Strategy?

    Since the commissioning of the Liaoning in itself does not change the present balance of power, it makes more sense if it is interpreted as a diplomatic message especially to the ASEAN countries.

    October 22, 2012

  • Adrien Frossard
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    The Commissioning of Liaoning: An Example of China’s Declaratory Strategy?

    Since the commissioning of the Liaoning in itself does not change the present balance of power, it makes more sense if it is interpreted as a diplomatic message especially to the ASEAN countries.

    October 22, 2012

  • Adrien Frossard
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    Afghanistan: Between Hope and Despair

    As the Afghans and the world look towards a new dawn on 1 January 2015, there are some things that stand out clearly and have to be recognised by both the Afghans as well as the international community.

    October 20, 2012

  • Agarwal, Rajeev
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    The 50th Anniversary of the Border Conflict With China: A Strategic Analysis

    The 1962 border conflict moulded our security and strategic thinking into a defensive mindset, and its 50th anniversary is an appropriate time to review those lessons as we seek our place in the new multi-polar world.

    October 19, 2012

  • Mukul Sanwal
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