Comment & Briefs

Saudi–Iran Rapprochement: An Assessment

The Saudi–Iran rapprochement mediated by China was a significant development in a volatile region buffeted by heightened geopolitical tensions.

September 01, 2024

  • Saman Ayesha Kidwai
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    Nepal’s Political Maze: Navigating the Revolving Coalition Door

    The coalition between the two largest parties, Nepali Congress (NC) and Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist-Leninist (CPN-UML), is more of a necessity than a choice in Nepal’s unstable politics.

    August 30, 2024

  • Afroz Khan , Sneha M
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    Vibrant Village Programme: A Focussed Attempt to Develop Border Areas?

    The Vibrant Village Programme (VVP) is a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at developing remote villages along India’s northern borders.

    August 28, 2024

  • Pushpita Das
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    China’s Informationised Combat Capabilities

    China’s establishment of the PLA Information Support Force (ISF) in April 2024 is a move to ensure information dominance and military modernisation.

    August 28, 2024

  • Abhishek Kumar Darbey
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    Bangladesh in Transition: Foreign Investments and Supply Chains

    Bangladesh’s ability to sustain FDI and its role in regional supply chains is in focus after the recent domestic political turmoil.

    August 27, 2024

  • Akash Sahu
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    Fumio Kishida’s Legacy and Likely Prospects for Japan’s Next PM

    Fumio Kishida can justly be regarded as a worthy inheritor of Shinzo Abe’s key policies.

    August 23, 2024

  • Arnab Dasgupta
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    Ukraine’s Strategic Push in Africa

    Ukraine's renewed focus on Africa starkly contrasts with Russia's entrenched relationships across the continent.

    August 21, 2024

  • Mohanasakthivel J
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    Saudi Arabia and the Israel–Hamas War

    The Israel–Hamas War has posed significant political and security challenges for Saudi Arabia.

    August 20, 2024

  • Prasanta Kumar Pradhan
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    South Korea’s Response to Russia–North Korea ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’

    The signing of a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ agreement between Russia and North Korea for mutual defence assistance has raised serious concerns in South Korea.

    August 14, 2024

  • Ranjit Kumar Dhawan
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    Bolivia between Military Coup and Democracy

    The coup attempt by Zúñiga highlights the fragility of the Bolivian state and democracy due to the impact of a regressive history and political culture.

    August 14, 2024

  • Saurabh Mishra
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