Comment & Briefs

Tunisia’s shaky transition

Constant bickering between Islamist and secular leaders has resulted in deadlock over the new constitution. The Ennahda-led government has been caught between the rock and a hard place, having to deal with increased hostility of the Salafi jihadist movement while at the same being accused of being lenient by the secularists.

April 22, 2013

  • Melissa M. Cyrill
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    China’s Defense White Paper: An Assessment

    The latest White Paper differs from previous documents in notable ways. It has little to offer by way of greater transparency related to numbers and policies. The document suggests a more confident China positioning for greater activism in global affairs.

    April 22, 2013

  • Rukmani Gupta
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    Religious Tensions in Sri Lanka

    A series of anti-Muslim campaigns particularly after the end of the Eelam War is giving an impression that the Sri Lankan Muslims are becoming the next scapegoats of majoritarianism.

    April 22, 2013

  • Gulbin Sultana
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    China-Pakistan Nuclear Cooperation: Unclear Facts

    There is a lot of inaccuracy and assumption in reporting Chasma 3 nuclear cooperation between China-Pakistan. It is not conceivable in engineering terms as to how a 300 MWe Chasma 3 can be transformed into a 1,000 MWe project.

    April 18, 2013

  • G. Balachandran
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    China-Russia Relations: Bonding but Can it Endure?

    This issue brief looks at the growing China-Russia relationship in the backdrop of a volatile North East Asia and the US ‘rebalancing’ to Asia –Pacific. While China-Russia relations have not always been cordial, this time it’s a win-win for both-at least for the present.

    April 18, 2013

  • Mandip Singh
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    China consolidates claim in South China Sea

    China continues to pursue its agenda on the South China Sea, employing its political, diplomatic and military departments in a well-coordinated and planned manner.

    April 17, 2013

  • Mandip Singh
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    BRICS and Stepping Stones: A New Global Pattern

    A global vision based on sustainable resource use for global prosperity can also overcome trust deficit within the BRICS grouping.

    April 12, 2013

  • Mukul Sanwal
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    India abstains and exposes the Arms Trade Treaty

    By abstaining from voting on the global arms trade treaty, India has exposed the treaty’s loopholes in not addressing concerns about illegal transfer of arms to terrorist organisations, insurgents groups and other non-state actors.

    April 08, 2013

  • Gurmeet Kanwal
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    China nurtures its nuclear nexus with Pakistan

    China and Pakistan reached a formal agreement in February 2013 to construct a third nuclear reactor in Chashma. This has caused widespread nervousness while making the NSG look weak-kneed.

    April 05, 2013

  • Rajiv Nayan
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    BRICS comes of age at Durban

    BRICS is not challenging the existing world order. It is seeking a place in the sun for developing countries. It is looking at alternative approaches but there is no desire to seek confrontation with the West.

    April 01, 2013

  • Arvind Gupta
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