Comment & Briefs

Ifs and buts of Pakistan’s coming elections

With an expected fractured poll results, Pakistan is further heading towards uncertainty. The question is not so much as to who forms the next government but more importantly on how it functions. Chances are that the May 11 elections could well end up making Pakistan further ungovernable.

May 09, 2013

  • Sushant Sareen
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    FDI in Defence: Lessons for Developing Countries

    Most developed economies are already feeling threatened by increasing equity investments sponsored by foreign government-owned and/ or foreign government-controlled entities in the defence and high-tech industries. A coordinated government response for supervision of foreign investments will emerge on the horizon sooner than later.

    May 07, 2013

  • Sandeep Verma
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    Amendments to DPP-2011: An Analytical Overview

    On April 20th, the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) of the Ministry of Defence announced 15 major amendments to the defence procurement and production policies, with the hope to incentivise indigenous defence manufacturing while promoting transparency and efficiency in the procurement process.

    May 06, 2013

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    A new dawn for defence production in India

    Defence acquisitions are always much debated and scrutinised. The criticism ranges from a lack of direction in procurements to needles procedural complexities and from corruption in defence deals to bureaucratic apathy. The Defence Acquisition Council, chaired by the Defence Minister, has taken some bold and much needed decisions on April 20, 2013 in an attempt to address some of these issues.

    May 06, 2013

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Examining the Prospects of South Korea “Going Nuclear”

    In the aftermath of recent North Korean actions and threats, there has been in recent times some open debates and discussions about the prospects of South Korea “going nuclear” i.e. developing its own nuclear weapons. This brief argues that short of abrogating all its bilateral and multilateral treaties and obligations with heavy costs, the prospects of it doing so in the short/medium term are not that easy and may not be cost effective.

    May 01, 2013

  • G. Balachandran , Rukmani Gupta
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    Significance of Japan-Taiwan Fishery Pact

    Recently concluded Japan-Taiwan Fishery Pact warrants careful monitoring of the Cross-Strait relations as the pact displeases China.

    May 01, 2013

  • Prashant Kumar Singh
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    Lessons from Somdurong Chu Incident

    Incursions and incidents of escalation are not new to India-China relations. Importantly they have been successfully diffused by a combination of adroit diplomacy, ‘show of force’ and political statesmanship.

    April 26, 2013

  • Mandip Singh
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    China’s Defence White Paper 2013: Lessons for India

    Struggling to deal with a rigid China on the intractable border issue, India would do well to digest the core assertions of the white paper, including the growing reach of the PLA, its professionalisation, keenness to protect overseas interests, modernisation of the nuclear arsenal, and growing role in foreign policy making.

    April 25, 2013

  • Arvind Gupta
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    The Korean Imbroglio

    North Korea’s uranium enrichment programme has made the US jittery and is not totally confident of reopening the six-party talks. Washington needs assurances regarding North Korea’s future nuclear programmes and the key to finding a solution to the present stalemate lies with Beijing.

    April 25, 2013

  • R. S. Kalha
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    LAAD Exhibition: Showcase of Brazilian Self-Reliance

    Like many other developing counties, Brazil also believes in self-reliance in arms manufacturing and has articulated comprehensive national defence policy with a strong support of its armed forces. There could possibly be some lessons for India.

    April 25, 2013

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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