Comment & Briefs

China’s Military Reforms: Is All Well With the PLA?

If PLA doesn’t change its ‘army-centric’ character and make way for professionals with domain expertise, the higher defence organisation will continue to be weak and the reform only in name.

March 09, 2016

  • Mandip Singh
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    Gilgit Baltistan as Fifth Province: Reconciling with the Status Quo?

    Gilgit Baltistan’s absorption may signal a paradigmatic shift in Pakistan’s Kashmir strategy. However, Pakistan would have to reset the contours of its position on Kashmir including an implied acceptance of the status quo.

    March 04, 2016

  • Priyanka Singh
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    All About Pay and Perks: India’s Defence Budget 2016-17

    The two heads of expenditure which have witnessed significant growth in the defence budget 2016-17 are the salary component of the armed forces and the defence pensions.

    March 03, 2016

  • Laxman Kumar Behera
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    Defence Budget 2016-17: A Clear Message to the Armed Forces

    It is time India devised appropriate tactics to meet the current threat. It is imperative that the armed forces prepare for ‘the most likely scenario’ rather than ‘the worst case scenario’. But to be fair, this can only be done when there exists a clear national military policy/strategy.

    March 02, 2016

  • Ramesh Phadke
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    Metamorphosis of the Defence Budget 2016-17

    The defence budget for the next fiscal has been completely restructured, making it difficult to make like-to-like comparisons. The growth in the defence budget is bound to disappoint the strategic community, notwithstanding the economic factors that may be responsible for it

    March 02, 2016

  • Amit Cowshish
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    The Escalating South China Sea Dispute – Lessons for India

    For Indian observers, it is useful to extrapolate known Chinese position in the Indian Ocean Region and assess Beijing’s likely strategic behaviour. Indian policymakers might well recognise the fact that once China finds itself in a position of maritime advantage, diplomatic engagement has limited utility as a bargaining tactic.

    March 01, 2016

  • Abhijit Singh
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    Union Budget 2016-17: Deciphering the Defence Budget

    The underutilisation of allocated funds suggest that the meagre funds available in the modernisation budget after catering for committed liabilities have not been fully utilised. Thus, a thorough introspection for better expenditure management is needed.

    March 01, 2016

  • Vinay Kaushal
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    Nurturing Capital Acquisitions

    While taking stock of the acquisition proposals and projects is critical for bringing in efficiency in defence procurements, the focus on statistics dissembles some important issues.

    February 25, 2016

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Time to Expose Youth to National Security

    It is important to generate understanding among the youth about the basic concept of national security and the impact it has on human security and economic growth.

    February 24, 2016

  • V.K. Ahluwalia
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    Educated Unemployment and Insurgency in Manipur: Issues and Recommendations

    The problem of educated unemployment is mainly two fold, firstly, scarcity of government jobs, and secondly, the, virtual lack of any other employer in Manipur other than the government.

    February 23, 2016

  • Sushil Kumar Sharma
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