Comment & Briefs

The State of the Smaller Latin American Air Forces

While the larger air forces are capable of sustaining their existing and future inventories for some time to come, the combat assets available to the region’s smaller air forces are facing a problem of pending obsolescence.

December 22, 2016

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    Japan’s Trump Dilemma

    In the wake of Donald Trump’s election as U.S. president, Japan is weighing the geopolitical and geo-economic implications of the new economic and security policies that his administration may adopt.

    December 20, 2016

  • Titli Basu
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    Political Fallout of the Creation of New Districts in Manipur

    While the creation of seven new smaller districts has led to agitations by the United Naga Council, efficiencies in administrative tasks should be obtainable with district headquarters closer to the respective inhabitants.

    December 16, 2016

  • Gautam Sen
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    Countering Fidayeen Attacks

    The antidote to fidayeen attacks is a well-trained and informed soldier, who is clinical in his task of neutralising the threat as and when it arises.

    December 15, 2016

  • Vivek Chadha
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    A Joint India-Indonesia Intervention on the Rohingya Issue

    Given that both India and Indonesia have a common interest in preserving their respective democratic, multi-ethnic and multi-religious polities, they need to work together to induce Myanmar to control the violence against the Rohingyas.

    December 15, 2016

  • Gautam Sen
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    The Jamaica Defence Force – Balancing Priorities with Resources

    The Jamaican Defence Forces have retained their cutting edge due to a skillful balancing of priorities with resources, the weak economy notwithstanding.

    December 09, 2016

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    Where is Europe Headed?

    Brexit, the results of the elections held in Italy and Austria on December 4, 2016, and certain related recent developments in Europe raise questions about the future of the Union.

    December 08, 2016

  • K. P. Fabian
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    India’s UNSC Bid: Is it different this time?

    A careful reading of the report of the deliberations of the UNGA on November 7, 2016 would suggest that nothing has changed at the ground level; only the rhetoric of member states has been amplified.

    December 08, 2016

  • Rajeesh Kumar
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    Impressment Exercise for ‘Civil Hired Transport’ (CHT): Is there a better way to do it in Digital India?

    The Army needs to comprehensively review the existing SoP for this exercise, liaise with MORTH and NHAI and jointly develop a software which can generate traffic data reports that would be accurate and useful for its planning purposes.

    December 08, 2016

  • Vinay Kaushal
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    Elections in Kuwait: Will it lead to Political Instability?

    The November elections in Kuwait have thrown up some intriguing scenarios. Having won nearly half the seats, if the opposition groups decide to unite under one banner and insist on taking on the government, the possibility of a fresh stalemate in the country cannot be ruled out.

    December 06, 2016

  • Md. Muddassir Quamar
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