Comment & Briefs

How Nagas Perceive the Creation of Seven Additional Districts in Manipur

Naga leaders have alleged that Naga villages have been merged with non-Naga areas to form the new districts and that the Manipur Government did not consult all stake holders including the Hill Area Committees before taking the decision.

March 15, 2017

  • Sushil Kumar Sharma
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    Defence Expenditure: A Challenge for Defence Economists

    The basic challenge for defence economists is to demonstrate that there are other feasible ways of skinning the cat during budget formulation. But the challenge is also inextricably linked with the need for rationalisation of defence expenditure.

    March 14, 2017

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Sri Lanka’s Fighter Selection – An Opportunity for India

    From all angles – political, economic, diplomatic and military – India is in a position to meet the SLAF’s potential combat aircraft requirements.

    March 10, 2017

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    North Korea’s ‘Chemistry’ with WMDs

    North Korea has blatantly breached the chemical weapons ‘red line’ in the killing of the half-brother of Kim Jong-un in Kuala Lumpur on February 13.

    March 06, 2017

  • Ajey Lele
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    When the Taiwanese Came Calling: Chinese Reaction and the Indian Response

    Clarity, firmness and sticking to the positive territory of the relations have to be essential elements in India’s approach towards Taiwan.

    March 03, 2017

  • Prashant Kumar Singh
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    Russia’s Policy Shift towards Taliban and Pakistan

    Russia’s efforts to differentiate between the Islamic State and Taliban are a mistake given that both groups share a similar ideology, albeit with slight variations.

    March 01, 2017

  • Manabhanjan Meher
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    Bangladesh and the Rohingya: Implications of Refugee Re-location to Thengar Char Island

    Bangladesh may be able to manage the Rohingya refugee problem only as a short-term expedient, albeit with considerable economic implications.

    February 28, 2017

  • Gautam Sen
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    Whither the Mexican Air Force Combat Fleet?

    The main threat to Mexico comes from illegal privately-operated aircraft which are heavily involved in smuggling. The inability of the Mexican Air Force to guarantee the integrity of its own airspace is therefore a matter of concern.

    February 28, 2017

  • Sanjay Badri-Maharaj
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    Rebooting the Defence Budget

    There is a strong case for abandoning the present approach of looking at the defence budget through the narrow prism of allocation and utilisation, and instead focus on outcomes.

    February 28, 2017

  • Amit Cowshish
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    Trump and Israeli Settlements Expansion

    It is in the US interest not to encourage Israeli policies that could possibly lead to further radicalisation of Palestinians.

    February 22, 2017

  • Gautam Sen
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