Emerging Frontiers of US Dual-Use Export Control Laws

Rajiv Nayan
Dr Rajiv Nayan is Senior Research Associate at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. He has been working with the Institute since 1993, where he… Continue reading Emerging Frontiers of US Dual-Use Export Control Laws read more

The paper examines the salient features of the principal statutory authority, the Export Administration Act (EAA), that is, at present, governing dual-use technology control in the US, and the frontiers of dual-use export control after the enactment of the new Act. An analysis of different provisions of the bills for the new Act indicates mixed features. It does not completely liberalise the control of dual-use technology, and continues to have in place a number of curbs. The changes in the Act have not satisfied many US interest groups; the industry feels that changes are not very substantial and are still, too bureaucratic. Six high technology and export intensive industries – computers, software, telecommunications, satellite, machine tools, and aerospace – have aired their grievances. At the same time, the export control lobby feels that the ensuing Act is biased in favour of industry.