Putin’s Visit to India: Resetting the Indo-Russian Partnership

Meena Singh Roy
Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at IDSA till September 2020 Dr. Meena Singh Roy is a Research Fellow and heads the West Asia Centre at the Manohar Parrikar Institute… Continue reading Putin’s Visit to India: Resetting the Indo-Russian Partnership read more

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit to India on March 11–12, 2010 signifies the beginning of a new phase in Indo-Russian friendship. In fact, this visit needs to be viewed in the context of the changing geopolitical and geo-economic realities in the international system. The current global order is characterised by the rapidly rising China; the global financial crisis and its impact on the American supremacy; resurgent Russia with its new assertive foreign policy under President Dmitry Medvedev; increasing Sino-Russian partnership; and the emergence of a new strategic partnership between India and the US.