Virander Kumar

Archive data: Person was Research Fellow at IDSA

Joined IDSA
June 2011
MSc (Food Technology) and MSc in Defence and Strategic studies
Research Project
Theaterised Joint Logistics
Colonel in the Indian Army; served in various parts of the country. Served in UN Mission in Lebanon in force HQ from 1999-2000.
Select Publications
Back to the Basics: Foot and Hoof Mobilty in the Mountains, Policy Brief, 14 Octber 2011, Co-authored.
Publication at IDSA
Research Fellow
Phone:+91 11 2671 7983


Theaterised Joint Logistics: A Caliberated Initiation

The most successful and efficient methodology being adopted by modern militaries is a logistics system based on theatre or theaterised logistics. In our case, there has hardly been any serious attempt to modify the logistics system which we inherited from the British. The monograph presents short term approach and a medium approach to bring in desired changes in our military logistics system after evaluating the need of the hour.