
Net Security Provider: India’s Out-of-Area Contingency Operations

  • Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd

The report analyses previous deployments of the Indian military outside its borders, including in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO), evacuation of Indian citizens from conflict zones and in active operations like Sri Lanka from 1987–90 and the Maldives in 1988. It then examines the current capacity and trends for executing such operations. Finally, it makes recommendations not only for the Armed Forces but for other relevant agencies as well, such as the Ministries of Defence and External Affairs, the National Security Council and the Cabinet Secretariat.

  • ISBN 978-93-82512-00-4,
  • Price: ?. 395/-
  • E-copy available

Indian Women in Blue Helmets: Professionalism in Peacekeeping

Majority of conflict situations in which the United Nations (UN) intervenes today are complex and as per their mandates, joint efforts of both men and women are required to make the peacekeeping operations as effective as possible. In many instances, maintaining good relations with the civilian population is a prerequisite for effective peacekeeping, as it often implies easy access to information at the grassroots level and increased security for UN personnel and the local population.

India’s Contribution towards Technological Development of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

The Second World War created many apprehensions as the world had not witnessed catastrophe of that scale before. It raised many concerns for global peace, and led to the creation of United Nations (UN) primarily to prevent the world from the scourge of the Third World War. The UN Charter mandates the creation of a peacekeeping force for securing and creating conditions for lasting peace within the states and between the states. Since then, we have witnessed many ups and downs in the global order. There have been times when somehow war of a global scale was prevented.

India’s Contribution to Peacekeeping

The United Nations (UN) was established post-Second World War in 1945 to prevent another catastrophe of that magnitude and to promote international peace and cooperation.1 The UN Charter aims to maintain international peace and security and to that end, take collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace and for the suppression of acts of aggression. Of all the activities undertaken by the UN, peacekeeping missions have attracted the greatest public attention. The concept of peacekeeping evolved in 1950.

War and Peace: Chinese Blue Helmets for National Interests?: South Sudan as a Case Study

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) was accepted into United Nations (UN) on 25 June 1971, replacing the nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, who fled to the island of Taiwan in 1949. Chiang’s Republic of China had been among the founding members of the UN. Being one of the five permanent members (P5) of the UN Security Council (UNSC) with veto rights, China is presently the second largest fund contributor after the United States (US).

An Analysis of the Future of United Nations Peacekeeping and India’s Continued Participation

As it evolved over the years, UN peacekeeping became an extraordinary art that called for the use of the military personnel not to wage war but to prevent fighting between belligerents. To ensure the maintenance of cease-fires, and to provide a measure of stability in an area of conflict while negotiations were conducted. To that extent, it is important to distinguish between the concept of ‘collective security’ and peacekeeping in the international environment.

Peacekeeping in Lebanon: Reminiscences of the First Indian Battalion Group Commander

This couplet from an old Iranian poem, inscribed at the entrance gate of United Nations (UN) Headquarters (HQ), conveys a message signifying the purpose of the UN. The principal aim of the UN is to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace, including actions for suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of peace. The UN peacekeeping attempts to help countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace.

Multidimensional Peacekeeping Protection Mandate and Recalibration of the UN Military Peacekeepers

The United Nations has introduced a layered approach to UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs) with wide-ranging enablers based on many reviews. Accordingly, a new resolution on the protection of civilians (POC) was adopted by the UN Security Council in 1999. The study attempts to understand the complexities of multidimensional PKOs, POC, 2019 policy, specific role of the UN military force and the need for new structuring and training of the UN military presence in the mission areas.

UN Peacekeeping in Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2003–2010: An Operational Perspective for Air Power Employment

Air power has played a critical role in counter-insurgency and irregular warfare across the world. India’s own rich experience is full of documented roles of air power in such campaigns. This article documents the unique experience of Indian air power in ‘robust’ peacekeeping under the United Nations (UN) flag in Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2003– 2010. A modelling is attempted to understand doctrinal and conceptual issues of this experience. Lessons are gleaned to improve air power’s effectiveness in such less-than-war situations.

Contemporary Technology in Peacekeeping Operations

Since the Cold War, United Nations peacekeeping has evolved from monitoring peace treaties to multidimensional peacekeeping operations tasked with rebuilding states and their institutions during and after conflict. In June 2014, An Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in UN Peacekeeping recommended investigating how innovative technology can strengthen peacekeeping missions.