
Developments in the Gulf Region: Prospects and Challenges for India in the Next Two Decades

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA)

This volumes examines the current emerging social, political, economic and security trends in the Gulf Region and likely trajectory of events and plausible scenarios for the next two decades to help policy makers in India to prepare for a variety of contingencies in a region of immense importance to India.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-745-6,
  • Price: ?. 695/-
  • E-copy available

Emerging Trends in West Asia: Regional and Global Implications

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

The book provides an in-depth assessment of socio-political, economic and strategic trends unfolding in West Asia. It also explores options for India to enhance existing relations with the West Asian region in a much more meaningful manner. The complexities of West Asia have been systematically explored by scholars, diplomats and specialists to advance the understanding of West Asia's political and strategic architecture.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-771-5,
  • Price: ?. 995/-
  • E-copy available

Lebanon: A Country Stuck in Multiple Crises

Prolonged political crisis, social unrest, pre-existing economic misery, and outbreak of a diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and the Gulf countries have left Lebanon in a debilitated state. Systemic reforms to tackle the economic, political, diplomatic and humanitarian challenges, are the need of the hour.

The Formation of the Indian Diaspora

The Indian Diaspora is one of the world’s largest overseas groupings. The Diaspora is considered India's 30th state with over 30 million overseas Indians. This article outlines the main strands of its formation, from the first movement of indentured workers and subsequent phases of migration of skilled professionals to the West and of workers to the Persian Gulf. They remain the single–largest contributor of foreign exchange and development in the country. Understanding its formation is an essential step for studying the Diaspora and engaging with it. This article aims to do that.