
A Case for Intelligence Reforms in India

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

The Report on Intelligence Reforms in India, advocates a paradigm shift towards holistic modernisation of the current Indian intelligence setup, by bringing in radical changes in the existing intelligence culture.

  • ISBN 978-93-82169-03-1,
  • Price: ?. 250/-
  • E-copy available

International Order at Sea: Anti-Piracy and Humanitarian Operations

  • Publisher: Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies

International Order at Sea is a workshop series chaired by the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) in partnership with the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi; China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies (CFISS) and China Institute for Marine Affairs (CIMA), Beijing; and the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), Alexandria, VA.

The workshop series examines seapower and the future of the global commons. It explores how international order at sea is established, maintained, changed and challenged, and it focuses on the interaction and cooperation among leading, emerging and smaller naval powers to maintain order at sea

  • ISBN 978-82-91571-15-7,
  • E-copy available

India’s Cyber Security Challenge

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

This report argues that Government and the private sector give cyber security some priority in their security and risk management plans, and do this jointly. Being a report that is addressed to the security community in the widest sense and intended to stimulate public discussion, it relies on publicly available information.

  • ISBN 81-86019-98-7,
  • Price: ?. 125/-
  • E-copy available

Defence Acquisition: International Best Practices

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book is a compendium of papers presented and circulated in the International Seminar on Defence acquisition organised by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses on July 12-14, 2011. Written by the practitioners, industry leaders and subject experts, the book brings out the best international practices in defence acquisition.

  • ISBN ISBN 978-81-8274-711-1,
  • Price: ?. 1295/-
  • E-copy available

Deliberations of a Working Group on Military and Diplomacy

  • Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd

The Indian defence establishment is confronted today with what is probably its greatest challenge since Independence. Besides being prepared to wage conventional war on possibly two fronts simultaneously, our Armed Forces need to be geared to undertake this under a nuclear overhang and within a technological environment that encompasses cyber- and space-based threats. There is therefore an imperative requirement for change that would enable us to adapt to the emerging situation. The archaic organisations and processes put in place on achieving Independence must undergo radical overhaul.

  • ISBN ISBN 978-93-82512-01-1,
  • Price: ?. 195/-
  • E-copy available

Pakistan on the Edge

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)

The Pakistan Project of IDSA has come up with a second report titled Pakistan on the Edge. This Report takes into account various political developments in Pakistan focusing more on the events of the last two years and analyses its impact on the nation’s nascent democracy. The Report takes a broad view of the politics, emerging political alliances, economy, foreign policy, India-Pakistan relations and civil-military relations. Two chapters of this report focus on Pakistan’s English and Urdu language print media and how it looks at the critical issues of domestic and foreign policy.

  • Price: ₹ 399/-
  • E-copy available

Net Security Provider: India’s Out-of-Area Contingency Operations

  • Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd

The report analyses previous deployments of the Indian military outside its borders, including in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO), evacuation of Indian citizens from conflict zones and in active operations like Sri Lanka from 1987–90 and the Maldives in 1988. It then examines the current capacity and trends for executing such operations. Finally, it makes recommendations not only for the Armed Forces but for other relevant agencies as well, such as the Ministries of Defence and External Affairs, the National Security Council and the Cabinet Secretariat.

  • ISBN 978-93-82512-00-4,
  • Price: ?. 395/-
  • E-copy available

Developments in the Gulf Region: Prospects and Challenges for India in the Next Two Decades

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA)

This volumes examines the current emerging social, political, economic and security trends in the Gulf Region and likely trajectory of events and plausible scenarios for the next two decades to help policy makers in India to prepare for a variety of contingencies in a region of immense importance to India.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-745-6,
  • Price: ?. 695/-
  • E-copy available

India and Africa: Enhancing Mutual Engagement

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book represents an effort to build on existing partnerships between African countries and India and to explore new areas of convergence for mutual engagement. It originated from the First India-Africa Strategic Dialogue hosted by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi in November 2011. It brings together Indian and African perspectives on global, regional and bilateral issues of strategic relevance to both sides.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-751-7,
  • Price: ?. 795/-
  • E-copy available

Unending Violence in Pakistan Analysing the Trends

  • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

The Pakistan Project of IDSA consists of a dedicated group of scholars studying Pakistan and watching the unfolding events and analysing the trends from the perspective of its implications for India and the region. “Unending Violence in Pakistan: Analysing the Trends, 2013-14” is the third report published by Pakistan Project.

  • E-copy available