ASEAN–China Free Trade Area 3.0: Why Southeast Asia Matters?
The increasing ASEAN–China economic interdependence ensures both sides have a stake in maintaining stability, despite the trust deficit.
- Temjenmeren Ao , Adil Rasheed
- November 06, 2024
The increasing ASEAN–China economic interdependence ensures both sides have a stake in maintaining stability, despite the trust deficit.
This paper throws light on challenges like lack of infrastructure, crisis of insurgency, the disjuncture between the elites and the social base in the North East regarding the “Look East” policy, and the states' incapacities during the implementation process of this policy.
The study analyses the nature of Southeast Asia-India defence relations, the reasons for the growth in ties and more important, the consequences of the defence relations.
This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VI held in March 2014. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate India - ASEAN relationship . Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.
This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VII held in March 2015. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate the India - ASEAN relationship. Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN Commemorative Summit issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.
ASEAN’s recent initiatives towards the Indo-Pacific help cement its centrality further while maintaining the grouping’s autonomy.
Southeast Asian nations’ responses to the ongoing violent conflict between Israel and Hamas are influenced by historical, domestic, demographic and strategic factors.
The East Asia Summit remains critical to advancing closer regional cooperation, at a time of a rapid geo-political and geo-economic changes.
Negotiations between ASEAN and China regarding a Code of Conduct on South China Sea may continue to be prolonged and evasive.