
Asian Strategic Review 2013

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

It would not be a cliche to describe the strategic contours of Asia as being at the crossroads of history. A number of significant events are influencing the likely course that the collective destiny of the region could possibly take in the future. Some of the key issues and trends have been analysed in this year’s Asian Strategic Review

  • ISBN ISBN 978-81-8274-719-7,
  • Price: ₹ 1295/-
  • E-copy available

The Unfinished War in Afghanistan: 2001-2014

  • Publisher: Pentagon Press

This book makes a modest attempt to contribute to the ongoing debate on future challenges for Afghanistan as the largest ever coalition of Western forces prepares to withdraw. It seeks to examine key political developments within Afghanistan over the last one decade in response to the US-led Western military and political intervention.

  • ISBN 978-81-8274-762-3,
  • Price: ₹ 1495/-
  • E-copy available

US–Pakistan Equations at a Crossroads

US–Pakistan relations have witnessed upheavals in the past; the US’ exit from Afghanistan is the latest in the series of inflection points in their relationship. However, irrespective of the escalatory war of words sometimes, the nature of US–Pakistan relationship of convenience is likely to keep them strategically aligned in the future as well.