The New Arthashastra: A Security Strategy for India, edited by Gurmeet Kanwal

Issue: 3
Book Review

The clamour for a national security strategy has become part of a constant refrain that accompanies every debate on India’s strategic culture or national security outlook. This repeated call for a security strategy stems from a perceived lack of clarity for functionaries within the government as well as the larger audience. An important constituent amongst the latter are a large number of countries that increasingly look upon India as an important partner in the evolving geopolitical environment. However, the lack of clarity on India’s security concerns and strategic direction tends to dilute the policy formulations outlined from time to time. It also leads to inadequate implementation, which further tends to increase the gap between intent and reality.

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Posted On: July 29, 2017

Keywords: Kautilya-Arthashastra

  • Vivek Chadha

    Senior Fellow

    Vivek Chadha

    Vivek Chadha

    Senior Fellow