Stephen P. Cohen and Others, The Future of Pakistan

Issue: 2
Book Review

Post 9/11, the regional strategic discourse in and on south Asia has been overwhelmed by Pakistan and Afghanistan. The past 10 years witnessed Pakistan’s degeneration into a violent, terror-infested state with diminishing authority of the civilian set-up. Moreover, its role in abetting terrorism as an instrument of state policy became known and was acknowledged internationally. The prevailing situation in Pakistan is grave and the likely future scenarios dismaying. Against this backdrop, a motley group of experts, most of them area specialists and Pakistan, have come together to present a rather attractive assortment of essays portending future trends in Pakistan. The authors, consisting of experts form the United States (US), Europe, India, and Pakistan, belonging to diverse backgrounds, have placed their individual perspective within the overall framework of Pakistan’s future. Stephen P. Cohen, an accredited expert on Pakistan, has edited the volume

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Posted On: April 5, 2012

Keywords: Pakistan

  • Priyanka Singh

    Associate Fellow

    Priyanka Singh

    Priyanka Singh

    Associate Fellow