Kauṭilya Uvāca: Seeking Interest in the Adversary’s Prosperity

Issue: 2

The understanding of warfare is varied, in terms of means, modes and objectives across geographical, cultural and episodic contexts. However, there is a general acceptability regarding its outcome, i.e., victory over an adversary. This might be achieved either by increasing one’s own capabilities, or by decapacitating the adversary. As an anomaly, while agreeing with these methods, Kauṭilya dictates a third, additional strategy. He dictates wishing for the prosperity of the adversary in specific situations such that one may derive self-interest in the process. In doing so, he systematically lays down the conditions suited to adopt the strategy, the means that must be employed, and its expected subsequent outcomes. This commentary aims to discuss the strategy so propounded by Kauṭilya and its relevance in the contemporary geopolitical landscape.

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Posted On: August 13, 2024