Escalation and Air Power

Issue: 2

Air power has emerged as an important military tool to manage conflict, having proven its utility and lethality repeatedly. It has evolved from being rudimentary and indiscriminate to now being extremely sophisticated, precise and powerful. The belief that air power aggravates conflicts has remained a limiting factor. In the Indian context, many still hold on to this dogmatic idea. Numerous instances of the use of air power the world over disproves this notion. Military doctrines define methods to use military power in conflict, and recognise varying degrees of conflict. Air power is not restricted to the highest levels of conflict. It can be used across the spectrum of conflict and is not meant only for escalated situations.

Constraints on air power employment is a peculiar sub-continental thinking without concrete backing. Recent military operations have served to break this mythical equalising of air power with escalation. What matters is context and perceptions. Air assets are one amongst varied means available to achieve required ends. Air power can execute missions across the full array of operations, utilising systems ranging from the smallest drones to hypersonic missiles. Technological advances have enabled air power to manifest in far greater ways than earlier considered possible. The fear of perceived escalation should not inhibit employment of air power. There is a need to comprehend that the necessary effects matter more than means employed.

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Posted On: August 13, 2024