Eating Grass: The Making of the Pakistani Bomb, by Feroz Hassan Khan

Issue: 1
Book Review

Brigadier Feroz Hassan Khan (Retd) brings to bear the right credentialsto this six year effort under review. The career Pakistan Army officer andJohns Hopkins University graduate (1989–91), currently a faculty memberof the Naval Postgraduate School, Moneterey, California, spent the lastdecade of his 32 year service (he retired in 2001) dealing with nuclearissues in key positions. These included as the head of the ‘C’ Divisionin the Combat Development Directorate (CD Directorate), which laterbecame the Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs (ACDA) division inthe Strategic Plans Division (SPD) when it was established in 1998. Theauthor follows in the academic footsteps of his immediate successor atACDA, Brigadier Naem Salik (Retd), whose book, The Genesis of SouthAsian Nuclear Deterrence: Pakistan’s Perspective (Oxford University Press),came out in 2009.

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Posted On: January 18, 2014

Keywords: India, Pakistan

  • S. Samuel C. Rajiv

    Research Fellow

    S. Samuel C. Rajiv

    S. Samuel C. Rajiv

    Research Fellow