Critical Issues in Indian Politics: India’s Foreign Policy, edited by Kanti P. Bajpai and Harsh V. Pant Critical Issues in Indian Politics: India’s National Security, edited by Kanti P. Bajpai and Harsh V. Pant

Issue: 1
Book Review

Indian foreign policy has made tremendous progress since the collapse ofthe Berlin Wall. Today, India is being seen as an important regional powerand a responsible global player. It is the goal of India’s foreign policy toachieve major power status for the country in the international arena.This ambition has been a common thread in the policies of all politicaldispensations to have ruled the country. To achieve this stated goal, Indianeeds to be pragmatic and instead of being guided by the past, it has tolook at safeguarding its interest in the future. However, as Bajpai andPant point out, the common view, even in India, is that the country actsin an ad hoc manner, has no overarching view of its interests or policiesthat might serve those interests and lacks what might be called a ‘strategicculture’.

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Posted On: January 18, 2014

Keywords: Foreign Policy, India