An Appraisal of the UN and Its Peacekeeping Structure

Issue: 3

Thanks to the Director General, MP-IDSA Amb. Chinoy, Col. Pillay, Dr Ruchita Beri and their team for providing the opportunity to share my views from an Indian viewpoint on the Appraisal of the UN’s Peacekeeping System and Mechanism.

My views are based on the several facets of peacekeeping that I as an individual was exposed to and my observations at all ends of decisionmaking, planning and implementation, both at the United Nations headquarters at New York (UNHQ NY) and on field missions; and both again, as a military professional and a UN civilian official. I have played the game from all sides and in all positions to get a good feel of what needs to be done properly and if more needs to be done.

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Posted On: July 13, 2022