Saving Afghanistan

Publisher: Academic Foundation (2009)
ISBN 13-978-81-7188-753-8
Price: ?. 595 /- US $ 34.95/-

About the Book

This book is about the future of Afghanistan which seems to be rapidly slipping into chaos. It contains perspectives on counter-insurgency and nation-building in Afghanistan. The expert contributors in this book focus on some key issues like, the character of the conflict in Afghanistan; the role of regional actors; the nature of engagement of the US and its allies; the assessment of the future course of action by major actors and the role played by INGOs and the international community at large. More significantly, the experts sought to answer the crucial question: what can be done to stabilise Afghanistan? This volume is a collection of their insightful papers.

Contents in Detail

About the Editors/Contributors

  1. Globalisation, Non-State Armed Groups and the Changing Nature of Conflicts
    A.K. Antony
  2. Afghanistan: The Struggle to Regain Momentum
    Ali A. Jalali
  3. Reconstructing Afghanistan
    Anita Inder Singh
  4. Afghanistan Redux: Countering the Taliban-Led Insurgency
    Seth G. Jones
  5. The Future of Afghanistan: Appraising Alternatives
    Rasul Bakhsh Rais
  6. Pakistani Attitudes towards Militancy in and beyond Pakistan
    C. Christine Fair
  7. Taking Stock of the Afghan Conflict: External-Internal Dimensions
    Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
  8. Post-Taliban Afghanistan: Conflict, Violence and Regional Stability
    Anup Kumar Datta
  9. The Problem of Institution Building in Afghanistan
    Indranil Banerjie
  10. Civil-Military Engagement in Post-Conflict Reconstruction: A Study of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan
    Seema Sridhar


About the Contributors

A.K. Antony is Minister of Defence, Government of India (GoI), New Delhi.

Indranil Banerjie is the Founder and Executive Director of the SAPRA India Foundation, New Delhi.

Anup Kumar Datta is Professor, Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling.

C. Christine Fair is a senior political scientist with the RAND Corporation, Washington D.C.

Ali A. Jalali is currently Distinguished Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA), Washington D.C. and a researcher at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), Washington D.C.

Seth G. Jones is Adjunct Professor at Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University and a Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, Washington D.C.

Rasul Bakhsh Rais is Professor of Political Science and Head, Department of Social Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS).

Anita Inder Singh is currently Visiting Professor at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.

Seema Sridhar is a doctoral candidate at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU).

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