Return from the Precipice: Bangladesh’s Fight Against Terrorism

Publisher: Pentagon Security International
ISBN 978-81-8274-697-8
Price: ?. 595/- Purchase Download E-copy

About the Book

The image of Bangladesh of being a ‘moderate Muslim country’ was tarnished at the turn of the 20th century. The country known for its Sufi Islam was witnessing a spurt of Islamic radicalism. While delineating the threat posed by Islamic radicalism to Bangladeshi politics and by Indian insurgent groups to Northeast India, the book also focuses on their sources of finance. This book marks an advance over other works on the same topic as it discusses the actions taken by the Sheikh Hasina led Awami League government to counter terrorism. In the past the governments in Bangladesh not only denied the presence of Islamist groups within their territory, they also vehemently protested whenever India raised the issue of Indian insurgent groups using Bangladeshi territory for attacks in Northeast India. In the absence of cooperation on the issue of countering terrorism, the problem largely remained in the realm of speculation.

But now as the Bangladesh government comes out of its shell and cooperates with India and the wider world, many aspects of the problem have become known. The book also makes an assessment as to what extent Bangladeshi cooperation has helped counter-terrorism activities – especially in the Northeast of India.

About the Author

Dr. Anand Kumar is an Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. After completing his PhD from School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), he joined IDSA in 2007. His area of specialization is Counter-terrorism, South Asian politics, Bangladesh, Maldives, Proliferation of Small Arms and Low intensity conflicts. Before joining IDSA he worked at South Asia Analysis Group on similar themes. He has also been with the Institute for Conflict Management which specializes on Counter-terrorism.

His edited volume “The Terror Challenge in South Asia and Prospect of Regional Cooperation” was published in year 2011. He has published around 20 articles in reputed journals, contributed around 10 chapters in edited books and delivered lectures on security issues both in India and abroad. His latest article “Shaikh Hasina’s Visit to India and the future of Indo-Bangladesh Relations” has been published by the Royal Society for Asian Affairs, London in their official journal Asian Affairs. He regularly publishes articles in leading newspapers and magazines. Some of the select publications are “Insurgency in South Asia muted by war on terror,” The Washington Times, January 16, 2004 and The Jihadi Next Door, The Washington Times, 20 May 2010.



1. Introduction
Organisation of the Book

2. Revival of Islam-Based Politics
Quest for Identity
Islam as Unifying Factor
Language as Unifying Force
Attempt to Redefine Bangladeshi National Identity
Towards Radical Islam
Islamisation of Polity Under Zia and Ershad
Internal Social Processes and Islamic Upsurge
Growing Activities of Religious Institutions and Organisations
Islam-Based Political Parties
Proliferation of Islamic Parties during Military Rule
Core Ideology
Islam-based Political Parties no Longer Defensive

3. Jamaat-e-Islami: Fountainhead of Extremism
Organisation of Jammat
The Jamaat’s Idea of an Islamic State
Jamaat’s Strategy to Increase Influence
Indoctrination through Party and other Front Organisations
Madrassa Education
Jamaat Targeting Women
Rightwing Media
Influence of Jamaat in Administration
Use of Police
Use of Army
Use of Financial Resources
Use of International Issues
Political Rise of Jammat after the Restoration of Democracy
The Place of Jamaat in Bangladeshi Politics

4. Growth of Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh
Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-B)
Terror Activities
Attempt of HuJI to Disguise its Radical Character
Jama’atul Mujaheedeen Bangladesh (JMB)
Presence of JMB in the Bordering Districts of West Bengal
Links of Jamaat with Militant Outfits
Link with the BNP
Political Support to Militancy
Links with the Army
Attacks on Democratic Institutions
Some other Cases Where Threats Were Issued to Judges
Reasons for the Militants Targeting of the Judiciary
Attack on NGOs
Four-party Coalition Remained Defiant despite International Concern

5. Influence of Bangladesh on Northeast Insurgency
Bangladesh: A Safe Haven for Northeast Insurgents
Pro-Insurgent Record of the BNP and Military Governments
Arms Smuggling
Fratricidal Killings among Insurgent Outfits in Dhaka
Islamist Groups in Northeast
Weakening Support Base of Northeast Insurgents
ULFA’s International Linkages
Bangladesh as an Operational Zone for ISI
Increasing External Influence over Insurgents

6. Financing of Terror Groups
Financing of Islamist Groups
Main Beneficiary Groups and Institutions
Sources of Financing of Islamist Groups
Dubious Role of some Islamic Charities/NGOs
Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHIF)
Alleged Terror Links
Proliferation of Islamic NGOs in Bangladesh
Foreign NGOs
Local NGOs
Islamic NGOs under Cloud after the Serial Blasts of August 2005
Use of Funds in Terror Attacks
Islamic NGOs get Support of Islamist Coalition Partners
Investment: Attempt of Islamist Organisations to Become Self-reliant
Funding through Individuals
Money Laundering
Role of Financial Institutions
Dismal Record of Bangladesh Bank in Checking Terror Finance
Fake Currency
Role of International Community/UN
Attitude of Government towards Terrorist Financing
Financing of Indian Insurgent Groups based in Bangladesh
Arms and Contraband Trade
Business in Bangladesh

7. From Denial to Action Against Terror
Soft / dubious approach of the BNP on Terror
Pressure through Bangladesh Development Forum (BDF)
BNP and Jamaat Leaders Revert to Hostility After Donor Meet
Government Considered Various Options to Ward-off Donor Pressure
Donor Funding, an Important part of Bangladesh Budget Making
Calculated Crackdown on Islamist Terror
Half-hearted Crackdown Increases Problems for the BNP Government
Conviction of Islamists
Convictions Fail to Break Terror Network
Arrests of JMB Leaders to Pacify Western Countries
Symbiotic Relationship
Authorities Tried To Delay Trial of JMB Men
JMB Leaders Provided Special Treatment
Hanging of Condemned militants Postponed
Terror Remained a Point of contention with India during BNP Regime
Lack of Direction during the Fakharuddin Ahmed led Caretaker Government
Crackdown on Terror during the Awami League Government
Attacks on Awami League Leaders
Terror Tears apart Pakistan
Resurgence of the Spirit of the Liberation War
Action against Terror Groups under Awami League
South Asia Task-force
BDR Mutiny Delays Action against Terror
Reorganisation of Counter-terrorism Structure
Two Pronged Action
Action against Domestic Islamist Groups
War Crime Trial
Crackdown against Northeast Insurgents

8. Towards a New Beginning
Lack of Domestic Consensus
Hesitant Approach to bring back Secularism
Terror Down but Not Out

Appendix I
Appendix II


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