Persian Gulf 2016-17: India’s Relations with the Region

Publisher: Pentagon Press
ISBN: 978-93-86618-19-1
Price: ?. 1295 Purchase Download E-copy

About the Book

The Persian Gulf-2016-17 is fifth in the series published by MEI @ ND and first in collaboration with the IDSA. It Examines India’s bilateral relations with the region and focusses on developments during 2015 and 2016. It gives a comprehensive account of the strategic, political, economic and cultural aspects of bilateral developments and also provides in depth analysis of internal dynamics of the Persian Gulf countries.

About the Editors

Prof. P.R. Kumarawamy teaches the contemporary Middle East at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and is the Honorary Director, Middle East Institute, New Delhi (

Dr. Meena Singh Roy is a Research Fellow and heads the West Asia Centre at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). Her area of specialisation is West Asia and Central Asia.


List of Tables and Figures

  1. Introduction
  2. Bahrain
    Manjari Singh
  3. Iran
    Alvite Singh Ningthoujam
  4. Iraq
    Premanand Mishra
  5. Kuwait
    Hirak Jyoti Das
  6. Oman
    Jatin Kumar
  7. Qatar
    Priyanka Mittal
  8. Saudi Arabia
    Prasanta Kumar Pradhan
  9. UAE
    Md. Muddassir Quamar
  10. Yemen
    Dipanwita Chakravortty
  11. The GCC
    Poonam Khatana
  12. China
    Swati Arun
  13. Pakistan
    Divya Malhotra
  14. The United States
    Md. Muddassir Quamar
  15. Russia
    Meena Singh Roy and Rajorshi Roy
  16. The Iran Nuclear Deal
    S. Samuel C. Rajiv
  17. Policy Options
    MEI Team



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