India-US Relations: Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century

Publisher: Magnum Books
ISBN 81-87363-95-9
Price: ?. 595


M. Rasgotra, Shivshankar Menon, C. Raja Mohan, C. Uday Bhaskar, G. Balachandran, Manoj Pant, Raja Menon, Lewis A. Dunn, P.R. Kumaraswamy, Meena Singh Roy, R. Grant Smith, Kalim Bahadur, Virendra Gupta, K. Santhanam, Vinod Patney, John H. Gill, Donald A. Camp, Shekhar Dutt, V.P. Malik

About the book

The rhetoric from two noisy democracies may make it appear that the interests of India and the United States are poles apart on many issues. However, if the outside layers comprising ideological and populist pronouncements are peeled aside, it is apparent that while there would be inevitable differences in approach, there is a convergence on core values, concerns and interests. At the same time, the hindrances and obstacles that come in the way of a working relationship cannot be simply wished away. A purposeful and forward looking dialogue is one of the necessary steps required to take the Partnership to a higher plane.

These papers are the outcome of such a dialogue between experts from India and the United States, brought together under the aegis of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, and the Center for Contemporary Conflict, Monterey. The entire spectrum of the relationship, from trade to key geo-political areas is covered, the intent being to both flesh out the Partnership and to take note of the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead. Crucial policy inputs are also provided by a number of key interlocutors, including the Indian Foreign and Defence Secretaries. India-US Relations: Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century endeavours to light up the way for a relationship which has ramifications for the world at large.

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Keywords: India-US Relations