Grand Strategy for India 2020 and Beyond

Publisher: Pentagon Security International
ISBN 978-81-8274-657-2
Price: ?. 995/- Purchase Download E-copy

About the Book

This volume presents perspectives on cross-cutting issues of importance to India’s grand strategy in the second decade of the 21st century.

Twenty-five specialists drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds provide incisive arguments for framing grand strategy in a complex world. Authors provide expert perspectives on wide ranging security concerns including India’s domestic socio-economic concerns; need for reforms in military institutions; India’s regional and global foreign policy; and global commons issues. The volume also addresses emerging security threats such as left wing extremism, international terrorism, climate change and energy security, and the impact of these issue areas in framing of strategy for India.

The authors in this volume address the following important questions: What might India do to build a cohesive and peaceful domestic order in the coming decades? What should be India’s China and Pakistan strategy? How could India foster a consensus on the global commons that serve India’s interests and values? What strategic framework will optimise India’s efforts to foster a stable and peaceful neighbourhood?



1. Grand Strategy for the First Half of the 21st Century
— K. Subrahmanyam
2. Strategic Challenges and Risks in a Globalising World: An Indian Perspective
— N.S. Sisodia
3. The Global Commons and India’s National Security Strategy
— Kanti Bajpai
4. Grand Ideology, Bland Strategy
— Rahul Sagar
5. Reforming the Military Institutions and National Security Strategy
— Rumel Dahiya
6. The Maritime Dimension in India’s National Strategy
— Sarabjeet Singh Parmar
7. Left Wing Extremism—Challenges and Approach
— Vivek Chadha
8. Thinking about Counter Terrorism in India’s National Strategy
— S. Kalyanaraman
9. International Terrorism and National Security Strategy
— Deepa Prakash
10. Nuclear Weapons and India’s National Security Strategy
— Rajesh Basrur
11. Nuclear Doctrine and Conflict
— Ali Ahmed
12. Strategic Implications of Human Capital Today
— G. Balatchandirane
13. Economic Policy Dimensions of India’s International Strategy
— Ajay Shah
14. Contemporary Health Security Challenges, and National Strategies
— Rajib Dasgupta
15. South Asia in India’s National Security Strategy
— Arvind Gupta
16. A Note on the China-India-US Triangle and India’s Strategy
— Tanvi Madan
17. Dealing with the Endgame: India and the Af-Pak Puzzle
— Rudra Chaudhuri
18. Nation Building in Afghanistan and India’s National Strategy
— Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
19. Russia in India’s National Strategy
— Smita Purushottam
20. Europe in Indian Strategy
— Dhruva Jaishankar
21. One World 2020: A Decade-long Vision for India’s Relations with the United Nations
— Manu Bhagavan
22. India and United Nations Peacekeeping: A 2020 Perspective
— Satish Nambiar
23. Energy in India’s National Security Strategy
— Devika Sharma
24. Climate Change and India’s National Strategy
— Sandeep Sengupta
25. Water Diplomacy and India’s National Strategy
— Medha Bisht

About the Editors

Krishnappa Venkatshamy
Research Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). His research interests include India’s grand strategy, global governance, security politics of Israel and comparative strategic cultures. His recent publications include- Global Power Shifts and Strategic Transition in Asia (ed.), Academic Foundation, 2009, India’s Grand Strategic Thought and Practice*(ed.), Routledge, (forthcoming November 2012). He previously led the IDSA National Strategy Project (INSP). He is currently leading the Strategic Trends 2050 Project, an interdisciplinary study of long-term strategic futures, sponsored by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

Princy George
Research Associate at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and works with the Africa, Latin America, Caribbean and UN Centre and the IDSA National Strategy Project. Her current research focuses on the recent Arab revolutions, and the impacts of these on the region and the Western Sahel states. Her other research interests include India’s grand strategy and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

About the Contributors

Ali Ahmed, Assistant Professor at the Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Kanti Bajpai, Teaches at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
G. Balatchandirane, Teaches economic history at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi
Rajesh M. Basrur, Senior Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
Manu Bhagavan, Associate Professor in the Department of History, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, the City University of New York
Medha Bisht, Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Vivek Chadha, Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Rudra Chaudhuri, Lecturer (South Asian Security and Strategic Studies) at the Department of War Studies and the India Institute, King’s College London
Rumel Dahiya, Deputy Director-General of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Rajib Dasgupta, Associate Professor at the Center of Social Medicine & Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza, Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore
Arvind Gupta, Director General of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Dhruva Jaishankar, Program Officer with the Asia Program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington DC
S. Kalyanraman, Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Tanvi Madan, Doctoral candidate of Public Policy at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin
Satish Nambiar, Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Sarabjeet Singh Parmar, Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Deepa Prakash, Instructor of Political Science at Depauw University, Indiana
Smita Purushottam, India’s Ambassador to Venezuela
Rahul Sagar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics at Princeton University
Sandeep Sengupta, Doctoral candidate in International Relations at Oxford University
Ajay Shah, Co-leads the Macro/Finance Group at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi
Devika Sharma, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi
N.S. Sisodia, Former Director-General of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
K. Subrahmanyam, Former Director of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

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