Four Decades of India Bangladesh Relations: Historical Imperatives and Future Direction

Publisher: Gyan Publishing House
ISBN 978-81-212-1166-6
Price: ?. 650/- Purchase

About the Book

The book Four Decades of India Bangladesh Relations: Historical Imperatives and Future Direction is a joint effort of scholars from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi and Bangladesh Institute for International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), Dhaka. This book brings out perspectives from India and Bangladesh on various important issues of bilateral cooperation. Bringing together scholars from two premier think tanks in India and Bangladesh who play an important role in providing policy inputs, generating informed debates and discussion and act as an interface between policy makers and the people, this is the first effort of its kind. The book has thirteen chapters on major bilateral issues and nine annexures. The authors have dealt not only with problems but have also suggested various measures to take the bilateral relations forward. Given the nature of the India-Bangladesh relationship, there is a need for greater bilateral engagement at the highest level. A congenial atmosphere would provide an opportunity to heal the relationship that is bound by historic socio-cultural ties. Envisaging a commonality of interests, and delineating the means to achieve this would provide a road map for further enhancement of ties between India and Bangladesh.



List of Contributors

  1. Consonance and Dissonance: Issues and Trends in India-Bangladesh Relations
    Smruti S Pattanaik
  2. Trends in Indian Foreign Policy
    Arvind Gupta
  3. South Asia and the International Order
    Segufta Hossain
  4. Regional Security Environment in South Asia: Overcoming the Constraints
    Ashok K Behuria
  5. India-Bangladesh Cross-border Connectivity
    Sreeradha Datta
  6. Bangladesh-India Connectivity: A Focus on Transit
    Ishtiaque Selim
  7. India-Bangladesh Trade: Problems and Prospects
    Anand Kumar
  8. Bangladesh-India Trade and Investment: Bangladesh Perspectives
    Mahfuz Kabir
  9. Cooperation on the Water Issue: Bangladesh Perspectives
    Segufta Hossain
  10. Water Problems in Bangladesh: Internal and External Dimensions
    Medha Bisht
  11. Bangladesh-India Cooperation on Energy Issues: Bangladesh Perspectives
    Mahfuz Kabir
  12. Transcending India-Bangladesh Relations: Framing Mutual Security Parameters
    Smruti S Pattanaik
  13. Security Dynamics and Bangladesh-India Relations: Bangladesh Perspectives
    Shaheen Afroze


  • India Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement, 1974l Terms of Lease in perpetuity of Tin Bigha – Area, October 7, 1982
  • Letter of Foreign Secretary of India Implementing Tin Bigha Lease, 26 March, 1992
  • Ganges Water Treaty, 1996
  • India and Bangladesh Joint communiqué, January 2010
  • Protocol on Demarcation of Land Boundary, 2011
  • Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development
  • Cooperation on Renewable Energy 2011
  • Joint Statement on the Occasion of the visit of the PM of India to Bangladesh, 2011


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Smruti S. Pattanaik

Smruti S. Pattanaik

Research Fellow (SS)

Smruti S. Pattanaik

Smruti S. Pattanaik

Research Fellow (SS)