Composition & Regimental System of the Indian Army:Continuity and Change

Publisher: Shipra
ISBN 978-81-7541-424-2
Price: ?. 350

About the Book

The Indian Armed Forces are intimately linked to Indian society. Their role in national integration is a fascinating inquiry. The book traces the historic evolution of the Indian Armed Forces and then relates it to the extant composition and regimental system of the Indian Army.

This sociological study of the military includes insights into the inherent strengths of the army. It explores and explains the central ideas and motivations for a battle-tested military and combat effectiveness. It shows that ‘class’ based units have an important role to play. This book will add an important perspective to the limited literature on core issues of democratisation, citizenship and military effectiveness.


List of Tables and Boxes

Chapter 1 The Re-emphasis of the Human Factor
Chapter 2 Evolution of the Indian Armed Forces
Chapter 3 Nature and Character of War and Combat-Effectiveness
Chapter 4 Why Soldiers Fight and the Regimental System
Chapter 5 The Present Structure and Arrangement
Chapter 6 Examination of the Pros and Cons of the Present System
Chapter 7 Policy Implications

Appendix: Recruiting Zones


Keywords: Indian Army
P. K. Gautam

P. K. Gautam


P. K. Gautam

P. K. Gautam
