China Yearbook 2013

Publisher: Magnum Books Pvt Ltd
ISBN 978-93-82512-24-0
Price: ?. 795/- Purchase Download E-copy

About the Book

An annual publication from the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), the China Yearbook is a round-up of events and issues of significance that occurred in China during the past year and covers important developments in the domestic and foreign policy spheres.

The third of the series, the 2013 Yearbook comprises fourteen chapters spanning the diverse yet important issues occurring internally and externally with respect to China. The first section reviews internal issues of consolidation of power, and contours of the new leadership, ethnic unrest, media, nuclear developments and the debates on the military. The second section examines China’s external relations including those with lndia and countries of South Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, the United States, and a special focus on the challenges in the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

The Yearbook seeks to promote a deeper understanding of contemporary issues affecting China and its interaction with lndia and the region. It would be useful for scholars, researchers, journalists and policy makers.





Section I: Internal Issues

China’s Political Transition Phase II; Consolidation of Power and Contours
of the New Ideology

– Avinash Godbole

Overview of Ethnic Unrest in China in 2013

– Dolma Tsering

The People’s Liberation Army: Debates of a Bygone Year

– Bijoy Das

2013—The Re-drawing of Media Red lines in a Transient China

– Shruti Pandalai

Nuclear Developments in China during 2013

– M.S. Prathibha

Section II: External Relations

Roller-coaster Sino-Indian Relations Oscillate Between Trust Deficit and CBMs

– Rup Narayan Das

China and South Asia

– South Asia Centre

Japan-China Relations in 2013: Treading Through Difficult Waters

– Pranamita Baruah

China’s Relations with the Korean Peninsula in 2013: Coping with
an Errant North and Engaging with a Dynamic South

– Pranamita Baruah

Cross-Strait Relations in 2013

– Prashant Kumar Singh

China’s Central Asia Reach: Advancing the Great Power Profile
– Jagannath Panda

US-China Relations: An Overview

– Stuti Banerjee

China and West Asia in 2013: Moving Closer

– Neha Kohli and Tsupokyemla

Contested Islands: The Senkaku/Diaoyu Challenge

– Titli Basu

About the Author


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