Expanding Role of PLAAF in China’s National Security Strategy

China’s great power ambition and actions have been fuelled by its spectacular economic growth and military modernization. The need to sustain the economy and energy flow makes the East and South China seas vital to it. Its vulnerabilities also lie on its seaboard. To dominate the maritime spaces, it needs to own the contiguous airspace as well. The prescient Chinese leadership has transformed its Air Force into a strategic instrument of power, to protect its economic lifelines, geo-political interests and regional dominance.

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India’s Oil Imports from the US: How Beneficial Are They?

India has been importing oil from the US to diversify away from the Middle Eastern Crudes. However, the weak oil demand, with attendant supply glut and contest for market share are reshaping global energy politics. This article examines the extent to which increasing oil imports from the US would be conducive for India's energy needs and the possible trade-off for the Indian refineries.

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